
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

WOLFMAN-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


耳鳴りと叫び声 死に際のシュプレヒコール Ringing and screams, are the chant near death* 思い出すだけで涎滴る I'm drooled with envy only by thinking お腹減った I'm starving 美味なり 骨を飾ればフルコース完食って Wonderfully delicious, I can clean my plate if the bones are decorated 余すところは無いよ君だって Even you are nowhere to be left 指先舐めまわした 想像した通りだった I licked my fingers, it was like what I thought 餌を蒔いた只それだけの事さ チョロイもんだ What I did was just placing a bait, such an easy chick ほら掛かった Look, a chick fell into the trap 踊れ掌で どうぞ召し上がれ On the manipulating hands, please enjoy 毒が回りはじめたなら そろそろ気がついたかな If the poison starts going around your body, then you should be noticing 滑稽だな So funny 腹空かせた狼が 粧し込んでは手を招く The hungry wolf gussies up and waves his hand ほらおいで ほらおいで 怖くないからこちらへどうぞ Come, come, it isn't scary so please come this way 息を殺して生唾を飲む ここから先は御内密に I hold my breath and swallow my saliva, everything is a secret from this point ほらおいで ほらおいで 目覚めればこの手の中さ Come, come, when you're awake you'll be in these hands どれどれ?蓋を開けては掻き回して Let me see? I open the lid and stir グラグラ煮えた体はスープになって The cooked body melts into the soup どれどれ?食べ頃は今!意識があるうちに Let me see? It's time to pig out! When its senses are still here テーブルに並べたなら言い遺すことは? Do you have any last words when you're on the table? それではイタダキマス I shall begin my meal* 溺れ沈みかけた 観念しやがれ Drowning deep, just give up 目が回りはじめたなら そろそろ気がついたかな If you start feeling dizzy, then you should be noticing 踊れ掌で どうぞ召し上がれ On the manipulating hand, please enjoy 毒が薄れはじめたなら そろそろ気がついたかな If the poison starts fading, then you should be noticing 腹空かせた狼が 粧し込んでは嘲笑う The hungry wolf gussies up and laugh ほらおいで ほらおいで 痛くないからこちらへどうぞ Come, come, it doesn't hurt so please come this way もう待てないよ 逸る気持ちを抑えきれず口を開けるの I can't wait anymore, I open my mouth as I'm unable to control my excitement ほらおいで ほらおいで 喉の奥もがく末は Come, come, your end is struggling in the deep down of my throat 飲み込まれ 苛まれ もう其処は胃袋の底 Being swallowed, being tortured, that's the bottom of stomach *Notes: シュプレヒコール: (der) Sprechchor, a German word that means chant and chorus of voices それではイタダキマス: the actually lyric is 'じゃあさようなら', which can be translated into 'well, bye'

