
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

愚色-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「愚色」(Foolish Colour)

あてなく意を求めては彷徨い If I look for meanings aimlessly, I'll be wandering around 雑踏紛れて群れの中 Get lost in the horde, and become part of the crowd 流れ流される日々に従う Flow with the passing time 此処が何処かも理解りたくもない I don't even want to know where is here 僅かな希望も溶け出し Even the little hope melts 愚かな色と混ざり合う And mixes with the foolish colour 全否定 自己愛No よって退路立ち塞がれ Deny everything, loathe myself, so my way to turn back is blocked* 上手く笑えなくなる And I can no longer laugh from my heart 悲しいかな Is this sad 病んだって明日も同じ I'm going to be this depressed tomorrow 嫌になるよな Perhaps I'll get sick こんなのじゃまだ愛したい愛せない Still, I want to love, I can't love 生き方をねぇ教えて Tell me, how should I live 染まり逆らえぬことが虚しい Unable to revolt from being assimilated is hollow 雑踏紛れて群れの中 Get lost in the horde, and become part of the crowd 流れ流される日々を疑う Doubt the passing time 正解不正解理解りたくもない I don't even want to know what's right or wrong 嗚呼、誰かがまた笑った Ah, someone laughed again 全否定 自己愛脳 酔っていたいの?気味が悪い Do I want to deny everthing and engulf in self-love? That's creepy 苛立ち擦りつけて Tomorrow will be the same 他の誰を I'll feel irritated 恨んじゃって明日も同じ And hate someone 嫌になるよな醜悪邪魔だ Perhaps I'll get sick, what an ugly obstacle 拭いたい拭えない I want to wipe away, I can't wipe away 死に方をねぇ教えて Tell me, how can I die 僅かな希望さえも全否定 Even the little hope is all denied 自己愛を持っていないのこの心に My heart has no self-love 苦しみこたえきれず流れる涙 Tears drop because pain is unstandable 悔やんだって明日は来ない Tomorrow won't come even if I regret 嫌になったよ I got sick 終幕だからせめてもの餞に It's the epilogue, so at least tell me what colour am I 何色なの教えて今僕は In the farewell gift *Notes: 自己愛No: It literally means no self-love, but I want it to align with the previous phrase, so I translated it into 'loathe myself', as loathe can be an antonym of love

