
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

ユビキリ-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「ユビキリ」(Pinky Promise)

小指で交わした契り 痛みさえも愉悦に 今でも…あの日のままで居たくて The vow was made with pinkies locking, even pain is turned into joy, I still... want to be like that day 紙縒を千切り束ねて 赤い糸紡ぐ宵 何時かは…貴方の指に届きますか? On the night when paper is twisted into a string and spinned into red thread, when... will it reach your finger? わざと纏わり付かせた 私を取り巻く香の足跡 見て見ぬ振りの貴方へ I let it stay on me, the trace of fragrance that surrounds me, it is spreading to you, who pretend to see nothing 背徳 罪悪 未練 全てが淫美に滴る媚薬 素知らぬ振りの貴方へ Immorality, sin, regret, everything is an aphrodisiac that is dripping lasciviously on you, who pretend to know nothing 私の影 貴方の影 交わらない下弦 My shadow, your shadow, the waning moon that will not interact うつらうつら 夢に堕ちる貴方と現に目を醒ます私 Half asleep, you are falling into dreams and I am waking in the reality 拝啓、私の夢見る人 The one who watches my dream お眠りなさい 絡め合わせ 指きりげんまんしたでしょう Sleep tight, I believe we locked our fingers and made a pinky promise 「昨」「明」「現」の貴方へと… 召しませ私の宵 To you from the 'past', 'future', 'present', please enjoy my night 降頻る千の涙の中で 針に赤い糸を通しましょう Let us thread a needle with a red thread in the pouring tears イタイ…イタイ…イタイ…ユビ… It hurts... it hurts... it hurts... the finger... ほら ほら See, see 「ユビキッタ」 'The finger is cut off' 私は今日も虚を抱きかかえ 此処で貴方を待つ I am still holding void in my arms today, waiting for you here 独りきりで二人きりの時間を天井の染みを数えて待つ I count the dirt on the ceiling and wait all alone, in the time when there is only the two of us 拝啓、私の愛しい人 My dearest love 夢に迷子 導はこの二人を繋ぐ赤い糸 If you are lost in your dream, the red thread joining us will lead the way ぼたぼた…滴る乾かぬ愛 Drip... Love drips and will not dry 召しませ私の命 Please enjoy my life 拝啓、私の最期の人 The last one in my life お眠りなさい 絡め合わせ 指きりげんまんしたでしょう Sleep tight, I believe we locked our fingers and made a pinky promise 「昨」「明」「現」の貴方へと… 召しませ私の宵 To you from the 'past', 'future', 'present', please enjoy my night *Notes: ユビキリ: Literally 'finger cutting', meaning pinky promise. The full line is '指切りげんまん 嘘ついたら針千本飲ます 指切った', which can be roughly translated to ‘finger cutting and ten thousand fist-punches, if you lie you shall swallow one thousand needles, now the agreement has been made’.

