
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

久遠ノ彼方-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「久遠ノ彼方」(Beyond Eternity)

ほろりと頬を伝ふ涙 滲んだ参列の末尾 Tears welled up and run down the cheek of the last attendence 「薄紅に含羞む微笑み」「声」「温もり」さえ Everything - even your ‘bashful smiles’, ‘voice’ and ‘warmth’ - 其ノ全テ紅蓮ニ包マレ灰ト成リ… Is engulfed by roaring fire and turning into ash... 窶れ衰える か細過ぎた体温(ぬくもり) Gaunt and weak, the body temperature (warmth) was overly delicate 仄白い部屋の 四角窓は暮れていく The sun goes down outside the square window in the dimly white room 右手には未だきみの 指を 握り返した淡い感触が The light touch when I hold your fingers back てのひら籠もる Is still in my right hand 不意に過ぎる胸騒ぎ 俄に鳴り響く I feel worried all of a sudden, the phone rings unexpectedly 廻る弐拾伍時 受話器越しの 訃音に揺れ Past one in the morning, I am shocked at your death from the receiver ひらり、ゆらり、ふわり舞ふ 散り逝く宵の花 The scattering flower of night dances lightly, slowly and gently 一片の花びら水面へと 波紋乱れる A petal falls onto the surface and ripple spreads 愛しさの数は 両の手で足りぬ程 I cannot tell how much I love you only with my hands 朧気なる月夜に 想ふ 面影重ね逮夜の灯火に I think of you in the dimming moonlight, I tried, but nowhere could I find you きみ求めども In the light lighted up on the sixth night after your death where faces overlap 「仄かな香り」「口付け」「交わした約束」も ‘Your faint aroma’, ‘kisses’ and ‘promises we made’ 奪い去りて唯々白き「くちなしの花」 Are all taken away, only the white ‘gardenia’* 頑なにも頭から離れず頽れる Stays in my head stubbornly and withers 指折り一つ数える度に 募る重みが… Whenever I count on my fingers, the growing weight... 物憂げに朝日越しの「穏やかな微笑み」 Though I run up to ‘your gentle smile’ across the morning sun 駆け寄りて此の手を伸ばせども「妄覚の香」 And reach out my hand listlessly, that is just ‘the scent of delusion and illusion’ 喉もと焼吐(やきつ)く程に 声涸らし叫んだ I screamed myself hoarse like I was burning my throat 咯血の遣り切れぬ想ひを 何処へ向ければ? Where should I leave the heartbreaking memories ? 届かぬ叫びと立ち昇る白煙が The smoke, billowing with the cry that will reach no one, 悲鳴(きつ)く胸を締め付け 久遠の…彼方へと Squeezes my shrieking heart (tightly), and rises beyond... Eternity Note: 逮夜: Eves before the death day, seventh day and forty-nineth day after death, and first and third death anniversary in Buddhism. The lyric probably is talking about the night before the seventh day. くちなしの花: The languages of flower of gardenia are ‘in great happiness’, ‘to being joy’, ‘refinement’ and ‘grace’.

