
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

九尾-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


飢えを忍び肥えた愛に舌舐めずり 一つ二つ巡る刻を指折り数え Enduring hunger and licking her lips at the fertile love, she counts the time on her fingers 幼い姿 孕む色欲 蜜に塗れ 雲の隙間、月が見せたその虚は The young silhouette conceives lust and is covered up by honey, the falsity the moon showed through clouds is 九つに裂けた嘘の影 Shadow of lie splitting to nine 飢えを晒し現抜かす月を喰らい 一つ二つ薄れ翳む嘘の影 Exposing her hunger and gobbling the infatuated moon, the shadows of lie become fainter 幼い姿 孕む色欲 密に塗れ 愛の堕胎 憂き身窶し 尚々 The young silhouette conceives lust and is coveredup by honey, she is obsessed with aborting for love 貪り続けても満たされぬ腹 The womb cannot be gratified even though it is coveting for more 今宵は宴なり 炮烙の晩餐に酔え To-night will a revel begin, indulge in the supper of torture* 今宵は宴なり 笑い踊り狂えよ To-night will a revel begin, dance in laughters and go mad 尾を靡かせてひらりと舞えば 麻具波肥は宛ら獣の如く If the tails flutter and dance lightly, exchange flesh like beasts 白濁の海は恍惚の夢 甘美な籠絡は祝言の雨 The sea of milk is an enchanting dream, the sweet cajolery is the rain of wedding 指の隙間にゆらりと舞えば 麻具波肥は血腥き慰み If she dances between the fingers lightly, exchanging flesh is a bloody pastime 枯渇した海を啜るが如く 明を知らぬ今宵は祝言の雨 An sipping the dried sea, to-night unawaring the dawn is the rain of wedding 月の無い宵響き渡る淫靡な唄 一つ二つ 吐息交じり 零れ落ちる The lascivious ode that echos in the moonless night mingles with sighs and falls 幼い姿 孕む色欲 密に塗れ 喘ぐ振りに隠し切れぬ 艶めく爪牙 The young silhouette conceives lust and is full of secrets, seductive teeth and claws cannot be hiden completely under feigned moan 今宵は宴なり 炮烙の晩餐に酔え To-night will a revel begin, indulge in the supper of torture 今宵は宴なり 笑い踊り狂えよ To-night will a revel begin, dance in laughters and go mad 尾を靡かせてひらりと舞えば 麻具波肥は宛ら獣の如く If the tails flutter and dance lightly, exchange flesh like beasts 白濁の海は恍惚の夢 甘美な籠絡は祝言の雨 The sea of milk is an enchanting dream, the sweet cajolery is the rain of wedding* 指の隙間にゆらりと舞えば 麻具波肥は血腥き慰み If she dance between the fingers lightly, exchanging flesh is a bloody pastime 枯渇した海を啜るが如く 明を知らぬ今宵は祝言の雨 An sipping the dried sea, to-night unawaring the dawn is the rain of wedding 語り合った愛 The love poured out 刻み合う愛 The love craving on each other 愛し愛したその全てが嘘 Everything about this love is a lie 喰らい尽くした貴方の滓を踏み躙る…尾を翻し Gobbled you up, she treads on your dregs... the tails wag *Notes: 九尾: A story about the nine-tailed fox (九尾の狐) originating from Chinese mythology that is a common motif in East Asian mythology. The nine-tailed fox occurs in Classic of Mountains and Seas (山海經), compiled from the Warring States period to the Western Han period. Japan was influenced by Chinese literatures a lot up until Heian period, which help the mythology being introduced to the country. Tamamo-no-Mae (玉藻前) is a legendary fox figure in Japanese mythology. One of the stories explaining the legend comes from Muromachi period genre fiction called Otogizoshi (御伽草子). In Otogizoshi, Tamamo-no-Mae was a courtesan vamping Japanese Emperor Konoe. However, as time passes, her image gradually becomes similar to Daji and Bao Si, 'temptresses' in China. 炮烙: A torture of burning flesh with a hot iron performed in Shang China. King Zhou of Shang was accused for inventing this torture, but in fact it was invented by Jie of Xia. 白濁: Literally means cloudiness, a synecdoche of semen.

