
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

井底之蛙-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「井底之蛙」(A Frog in the Well)

「もういいかい?」 ‘Are you done yet?’ 赤黒く泥濘膿む蟹足腫 Keloid festers in dark red mud 「まあだだよ」 ‘No, not yet’ 三日三晩、継ぎ接ぎを削ぎ剥ぎ抉る Cut off, tear off and gouge out the patches for three days and nights 拝啓 薄ら笑い浮かべては Greetings, if a smirk shows 癲狂 剃刀を飲み込む Madness, swallow the blade 寸断 裂き乱れる咽喉 Fragment, the throat is ripped open 「両手は開花」 ‘The hands bloom’ なべなべ そこぬけ そこが ぬけたら かえりましょう The pot is bottomless, turn it upside down when the bottom fell out なべなべ そこぬけ 底抜けた The pot is bottomless, the bottom fell out なべなべ そこぬけ 弧を描き乍ら 反りましょう The pot is bottomless, bend the body whilst drawing a curve なべなべ そこぬけ 遠き落日 The pot is bottomless, the sunset is faraway 死人に口無し Dead men tell no tales 「もういいかい?」 ‘Are you done yet?’ 赤沙汰な肉垂は吾の腐れ The red wattle is my decay 「まあだだよ」 ‘No, not yet’ 其処彼処、面皮は蛇動し蠢動 Everywhere under the face skin squirms 羽音が埋め尽くす Filled up by buzz* なべなべ そこぬけ そこが ぬけたら かえりましょう The pot is bottomless, turn it upside down when the bottom fell out なべなべ そこぬけ 浮遊月 The pot is bottomless, like the floating moon なべなべ そこぬけ 夥多しく 孵りましょう The pot is bottomless, let them hatch thousands and thousands なべなべ そこぬけ 見下ろした天井 The pan is bottomless, the ceiling disdained* 死人に口無し Dead men tell no tales なべなべ そこぬけ そこが ぬけたら かえりましょう The pot is bottomless, turn it upside down when the bottom fell out なべなべ そこぬけ 底抜けた The pot is bottomless, the bottom fell out なべなべ そこぬけ 弧を描き乍ら 反りましょう The pot is bottomless, bend the body whilst drawing a curve なべなべ そこぬけ 遠き落日 The pot is bottomless, the sunset is faraway ひとつ 開く 頭蓋の花 A blossom in the skull bloom ふたつ 浮嚢に張り裂け謡う Burst and sing in the two air-bladders みっつ 数え 微笑う君が 見開いた Counting to three, you opened your eyes wide with a smile 「口無し」 ‘No tales’ *Notes: 井底之蛙: The Frog in the Well is a Chinese idiom from Zhuangzi: Outer Chapters: The Floods of Autumn, it refers to a narrow-minded person who doesn't see the larger world around them. なべなべそこぬけ: A Japanese children song 羽音が埋め尽くす: It literally means hums are filling up (something or somewhere). The song is about a person being killed, the hums are probably filling the whole space (where the body is) up. 見下ろした天井: Although meaning ceiling, 天井 is pronounced as 'そら (sora)', so it is translated into 'sky', which the sentence will be 'the sky disdained'.

