
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

柘榴-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


ぽつりと咲いた柘榴一つ 蜜滴るは絶景の園 A pomegranate bloomed quickly, the garden with a splendid scenery is dripping nectar* 何一つと流すことの無い 爛れた夕暮れに溺れその瞳閉じる Nothing flows, those eyes indulge in dusk and close ぽつりと咲いた柘榴一つ 涙滴るは絶望の底 A pomegranate bloomed quickly, the bottom of despair is dripping tears 何一つと声を上げられぬ 僕は喉笛を噛み千切られた鴉 I, unable to cry anything, am a crow which windpipe is torn into fragments 全てを嘘で塗り固めた 僕の無表情の笑顔 My emotionless smile secured everything with lies 奪い、奪われた今、残る猜疑心の末路 Now, wrests and being wrested, there is only suspicion at the end 優しさの陰で膨らんで行く僕の Beginning to expand for kindness, 焦げてくすみ切った愛は君に届かない My love, totally darkened for burning, cannot reach you 全てを焼き付け、刻み付けた筈なのに… Even though I should have seared and engraved everything in my mind… 「忘れてしまえば良い」と逃げただけ… I said ‘I wish I can forget’ and escaped only... さよならが言えず・・・ Unable to bid farewell... 悲しみの陰で膨らんで行く僕の Beginning to expand for sadness, 嘘であって欲しいと靄に縋る愛 My love hopes it is a lie and entwines itself with mist 僕を壊していく君のその笑顔が Breaking me down, your smile 忘却の足を掴んで離さない Grabs the feet of oblivion and will not let go 潰れ腐り尚咲き誇る柘榴 Though the pomegranate is decaying, it is in full bloom Notes: 蜜滴る: 蜜 possibly refers to the idiom ‘他人の不幸は蜜の味’, meaning literally ‘the misery of others tastes like honey’, which has appeared in other lyrics as well.

