
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

黒玄鳥-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「黒玄鳥」(Black Swallow)

闇夜、見上げた果ての摩天楼 In the dark night, there are skyscrapers at the end of my sight 運命の鐘が鳴り響く The bell of destiny rings 不吉に歪む不断なこの世は Being twisted by ill, this everyday world is 虚か亡者か晦冥の空 A void or obstinate sky wrapped in darkness 眩い太陽 常闇の中 Like the dazzling sun in the everlasting darkness 込み上げる熱き想いよ O, welling passionate thoughts 花弁 散リ塗ルヲ和歌 The poem about a flower that scattered away* 一雫の響鳴 Make a peal 《光を取り戻す為の闇へ》 《Head into the darkness to take back the light》 風雲、黒玄鳥の唄よ Wind and clouds, song of black swallow 鳴呼、問いかける声に儚く夜散りゆく Ah, short nights scatter in the questioning voice 風雲、黒玄鳥は唄う Wind and clouds, black swallow sings 鳴呼、この手へと還れ 光を取り戻すその日まで Ah, return to these hands, till the day light is taken back 闇夜、見上げた果ての摩天楼 In the dark night, there are skyscrapers at the end of my sight 運命の鐘が鳴り響く The bell of destiny rings 奇怪に映る悲観の言の葉 Pessimistic words are reflected rudely 現か傀儡か暗晦の海 The gloomy sea is between awake and unconscious 雷の叫び 闇切り裂いて Roars of thunder cut through the darkness 燃え盛る熱き魂 Passionate soul blazes up 花弁 色ハ匂ヘド Although the scent of petals still lingers* 夜黒鳥の響鳴 Black bird calls 《光を取り戻す為の闇へ》 《Head into the darkness to take back the light》 風雲、黒玄鳥の唄よ Wind and clouds, song of black swallow 鳴呼、追躡の果てに さざめき夜去り行く Ah, in the end of pursuing, the clamorous night comes 風雲、黒玄鳥は唄う Wind and clouds, black swallow sings 鳴呼、この手へと還れ 光を取り戻すその日まで Ah, return to these hands, till the day light is taken back 高まる鼓動 軋みゆく心 Heart beat rises, my heart is starting to ache 戸惑い 枯れていく愛みよ Confused, o, withering sadness* 翼が折れても鳥は羽搏いた Even though they're broken, the bird still spread its wings 明日を 取り戻すまで Till the future is taken back 《光を取り戻す為の闇へ》 《Head into the darkness to take back the light》 風雲、黒玄鳥の唄よ Wind and clouds, song of black swallow 鳴呼、問いかける声に儚く夜散りゆく Ah, short nights scatter in the questioning voice 風雲、黒玄鳥は唄う Wind and clouds, black swallow sings 鳴呼、この手へと還れ 光を取り戻すその日まで Ah, return to these hands, till the day light is taken back *Notes: 散リ塗ルヲ: The second line of 'Iroha' (いろは), a famous Japanese poem dates from 1079. 色ハ匂ヘド: The first line of Iroha. 愛み: The word is pronounced as 'かなしみ', which means sadness

