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さらば!自称の正義マン-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「さらば!自称の正義マン」(Farewell! Would-be Justice Fighter)

完全無欠 机上の空論 The armchair theory is an absolute perfection 妄想被害 神様観てない Delude into persecution, God isn't watching 情報過多に気づいてないから脳内処理が追いつかない If you didn't notice that information is overloading, then your brain won't be keeping up 安全不潔 痴情の口論 Indulging in wrangles is unsafe 放送危害 人様観てない Inappropriate for broadcasting, no one's watching 道徳依存は揚げ足とって倫理違反でバッシング Social Justice warriors find fault in them and bash them for violating ethnicity あー嫌 ベロだして Ugh, I'm sticking my tongue out あー嫌 嘘ニセモノで Ugh, because of lies and counterfeits あー嫌 真実は何処にある? Ugh, where's the truth? 心を黒に染める Dying hearts into black 兵器で人を傷つける Hurting others with weapons あなたが言う正義は何? What is the justice you said? 網に溺れる Falling into the mesh さらば!自称正義マン Farewell! Would-be justice fighter かわせ!言葉のモンスター Interlace! Monsters of words さらば!自称正義マン Farewell! Would-be justice fighter 貴方は偽物の正義マン You're a fake justice fighter 痛い世代見たい期待 I'm excited to see a generation in pain 嫌い世界見ない未来 The world I hate won't be in the future あー嫌 ケツだして Ugh, reveal yourself あー嫌 クソくらわせろ Ugh, feed me some shit あー嫌 現実は此処にある Ugh, reality is here あー嫌 ベロだして Ugh, I'm sticking my tongue out あー嫌 嘘ニセモノで Ugh, because of lies and counterfeits あー嫌 真実は何処にある? Ugh, where's the truth? 心を黒に染める Dying hearts into black 兵器で人を傷つける Hurting others with weapons あなたが言う正義は何? What is the justice you said? 網に溺れる Falling into the mesh さらば!自称正義マン Farewell! Would-be justice fighter かわせ!言葉のモンスター Interlace! Monsters of words さらば!自称正義マン Farewell! Would-be justice fighter 貴方は偽物の正義マン You're a fake justice fighter

