
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

曼珠沙華-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

曼珠沙華-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

無言の儘に喚き散らかし Screaming in silence, 弾け飛ぶは真っ黒な真 The dark truth bursts 多言の儘に黙りこくって Keeping silent in chatter, 滲み出るは真っ赤な嘘 The downright lie rises up 捩じ伏せた眼で見る夢は穴一つ The dream I see with forced close eyes is a grave 手を伸ばし招きましょう Let us stretch our hand and wave 揺れる骨が誘う音 The swaying bone makes tempting sounds 嗚呼…何を迷い惑う O... What are you hesitating 一面に咲き誇る腕 All the arms are in full bloom 嗚呼…何を迷い惑う O... What are you hesitating 此処が終わりの始まり This is the beginning of the end 抉じ開けた眼で見る夢は穴二つ The dream we see with forced open eyes is two graves 手を繋ぎ唄いましょう Let us sing hand in hand 絡む骨が軋む音 The twining bones make creaks 私は良い 「貴方」は? I am ready, and 'you'? 私は良い 「貴女」は? I am ready, and 'you'? もう良いかい…まだだよ… Are you ready... No, not yet... 赫灼は餞 Glister will be the farewell gift 命は斑模様 極彩色の灯 Life is motley, like a prismatic light 在るが為に貪り合い We covet for each other to stay alive 果ては雁字搦め Our fate is being hedged もう戻れないのでしょう I believe our addiction on the sweet poison called 'dependence' 「依存」と言う甘い毒 Is beyond cure 脳は疾うに爛れている My mind has festered long ago 命は斑模様 極彩色の灯 Life is motley, like a prismatic light 在るが為に貪り合い We covet for each other to stay alive 果ては雁字搦め Our fate is being hedged もう戻れないのでしょう I believe our addiction on the sweet poison called 'dependence' 「依存」と言う甘い毒 Is beyond cure 死なば諸共 Let us die together もう良いかい…? Are you ready...? *Note: 曼珠沙華: With reference to Mitsuki’s tweet, the song title is talking about white spider lilies, and the language of white spider lilies is ‘I am looking forward to the day we can meet again’.

