
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Yosemite-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)


Seasons may change 季節會改變 But we won't change 但我們不會 Isn't it sweet how we know that already? 我們早就知道真是很美妙吧? Winter to spring 冬天到春天 Spring back to fall 春天再回到秋天 Isn't it cool how nothing here changes at all? 這裏的一切都不會改變真是很厲害吧? You make me feel I'm invincible 你讓我覺得自己所向無敵 Just like I wanted 就如我所想般 No more candle in the wind 不再像風中之燭 It's not like I'm invisible 我並不是無影無形 Not like before when I was burning at both ends 我並不像過去因工作而耗盡精力那般 We did it for fun, we did it for free 我們為了快樂而做,無償地做 I did it for you, you did it for me 我為了你,你為了我 We did it for the right reasons 我們為了正當的理由而做 We did it for the right reasons 我們為了正當的理由而做 Seasons may change 季節會改變 But we won't change 但我們不會 Isn't it strange how different we are from all of our friends? 我們和身邊的朋友都很不同真是很奇怪吧? Seasons will turn 季節會更替 The world, it will turn 世界,會轉動 The only thing we'll turn is the pages of all of the poems we burned 我們唯一會翻過的是我們所燒毀的詩歌的頁數 Honey, you made me feel I'm invincible 親愛的,你讓我覺得自己所向無敵 Just like I wanted 就如我所想般 No more candle in the wind 不再像風中之燭 It's not like I'm invisible 我並不是無影無形 Like I was before, no more burning at both ends 就像以往一樣,不再因工作而耗盡精力 Now I do it for fun, I do it for free 現在我為了快樂而做,我無償地做 I do it for you, you did it for me 我為了你,你為了我 We did it for the right reasons 我們為了正當的理由而做 We did it for the right reasons 我們為了正當的理由而做 I remember watching How Green Was My Valley 我記得我在看《父慈子孝》 Then I was thinking 然後我在想 "How deep was the canyon that you came from?" 「你出身的峽谷究竟有多深?」 Television static was quite overwhelming 電視的靜電是挺難忍受的 Was it because of the cabin and the candles in the wind? 這會不會是因為小木屋和風中之燭之故? We've done it for fun, we've done it for free 我們曾經為了快樂而做,曾經無償地做 I showed up for you, you showed up for me 我為你出現,你為我出現 We did it for the right reasons 我們為了正當的理由而做 We did it for fun, we did it for free 我們為了快樂而做,無償地做 When I was young 'til eternity 當我永遠地年輕 I'll do it for the right reasons 我會抵抗一切的時間、改變、季節 Withstanding all the time, changes, and seasons 為了正當的理由而去做 Right reasons 為了正當的理由而去做

