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まほらば-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


人々は縋り手を合わす People follow The RELIGION of this KINGDOM RELIGION of this KINGDOM And fold their hands 空に誓い仰げば救われん Even if they vow to the sky, they can't be saved RELIGION of this KINGDOM By the RELIGION of this KINGDOM 堕ちゆく奈落 快楽=藁をも掴む Falling into hell, happiness = a drowning man clutching at the straw 翼は折れて もがいてもがいてる Even if my wings are broken, I still keep on struggling 愚かな姿 残骸惨め抜け殻 Looking stupid, my remain is a miserable shell 仏も神も何処にいる Buddha and God are nowhere to be found ひらいてまほらば 暖かく揺れる Arcadia opens up, light sways warmly* 永遠に光れ楽園 Paradise, shine eternally 闇は沈みこの大地に集い祈り歌え Darkness falls, now gather on this land, pray and hymn 古びた身体は 黒薔薇の棘に The aged body is poisoned by the thorn of black roses 毒され朽ちてゆく And withering 運命の歯車 命の輝き奏でるでしょう The gears of destiny will probably play the glory of life 嘔吐家。流れに流され仕方ないから命辛々 The vomiter. I barely got out of the flow alive 〈DAY BREAK〉夜明けを待っても 〈DAY BREAK〉If I won't wake up 目覚めないなら意味がないでしょ? Then there's no reason to wait for daybreak, right? 嘔吐家。地獄を望んだ傷だらけの身体は空々 The vomiter. My wounded body that hoped for hell is empty 〈DAY BREAK〉それでもどうして 〈DAY BREAK〉Still, why am I still 今日も綺麗な夢を見てんの? Dreaming something splendid today? 哀れな眼を向けた聖者の Saint looked with pitiful eyes, 剣は心抉り刺した His sword gouged out and stabbed my heart 善悪の意味を履き違えた I misunderstood the meaning of good and evil 優しすぎる世界にso good bye. So I bid farewell to the world with overflowing kindness. さよならおさきにしつれいします Please excuse me さよならおさきにしつれいします Please excuse me ひらいてまほらば 暖かく揺れる Arcadia opens up, light sways warmly 永遠に光れ楽園 Paradise, shine eternally 闇は沈みこの大地に集い祈り歌え Darkness falls, now gather on this land, pray and hymn 古びた身体は 黒薔薇の棘に The aged body is poisoned by the thorn of black roses 毒され朽ちてゆく And withering 運命の歯車 命の輝き奏でるでしょう The gears of destiny will probably play the glory of life *Note: 暖かく揺れる: Most of the time this term is used to discribe lights, thus light is added into the translation even though the subject is unknown.

