
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Dance Till We Die-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

「Dance Till We Die」(舞動至死方休)

I'm coverin' Joni and I'm dancin' with Joan 我翻唱瓊尼的歌,與瓊共舞 Stevie is callin' on the telephone 來自史蒂薇的電話正響着 Court almost burned down my home 寇特妮差點就把我家燒了 But God, it feels good not to be alone 但天啊,不用自己一個感覺真好 But sometimes, this ranch feels like my only friend 但有時候,這牧場感覺就像我唯一的朋友 And life doesn't always work out like we planned 生命不會總是那麼如意 We keep it movin', babe 我們永不止步,寶貝 So we made it back in the middle of the night 我們終於在半夜回到 To the Louisiana two-step, high and bright 路易斯安娜州的二拍子圓舞曲,活潑且明亮 And we won't say when, we won't ask why 我們不會說甚麼時候,不會問為甚麼 We won't stop dancin' 'til we die 我們會舞動至死方休 We'll keep walkin' on the sunny side 我們會一直在陽光下走着 And we won't stop dancin' 'til we die 然後舞動至死方休 Troubled by my circumstancе 被自己的境況困擾 Burdened by the wеight of fame 被名氣的重量煩擾 Clementine's not just a fruit 克里曼丁不只是水果 It's my daughter's chosen name 還是我女兒的選名 And when all the bars close down tonight 當所有的酒吧都在今夜倒閉 There's one that stays open just for us, alright 還是會有一間只為我們營業 We keep dancin', babe 我們一直舞動,寶貝 So we made it back in the middle of the night (We keep dancin', babe) 我們終於在半夜回到去(我們一直舞動,寶貝) To the Louisiana two-step, high and bright (We keep it movin', babe) 路易斯安娜州的二拍子圓舞曲,活潑且明亮(我們永不止步,寶貝) And we won't say when, we won't ask why 我們不會說甚麼時候,不會問為甚麼 We won't stop dancin' 'til we die 我們會舞動至死方休 We'll keep walkin' on the sunny side 我們會一直在陽光下走着 And we won't stop dancin' 'til we die 然後舞動至死方休 I went down to Woodside 我到了林邊 I left Berkeley, out of city, out of mind 我離開了柏克萊,到了城外,放空了自己 Killin' it, talkin' shit, Joan said she was gonna quit 棒極了,瞎掰着,瓊說他要不幹了 Tearin' it up at the Afro-Caribbean two-step 在非裔加勒比的二拍子圓舞曲中表現出色 I left San Francisco 我離開了三潘市 I've been coverin' Joni and I'm dancin' with Joan 我一直在翻唱瓊尼的歌,與瓊共舞 It's kinda hard to find love 當你習慣了居無定所 When you're used to rollin' like a rollin' stone 尋找愛情真是不太容易 So we made it back in the middle of the night (We keep it movin', babe) 我們終於在半夜回到去(我們一直舞動,寶貝) To the Louisiana two-step, high and bright (We keep it movin', babe) 路易斯安娜州的二拍子圓舞曲,活潑且明亮(我們永不止步,寶貝) And we won't say when, we won't ask why 我們不會說甚麼時候,不會問為甚麼 We won't stop dancin' 'til we die 我們會舞動至死方休 We'll keep walkin' on the sunny side 我們會一直在陽光下走着 And we won't stop dancin' 'til we die 然後舞動至死方休 And we won't stop dancin' 'til we die 然後舞動至死方休 *註解: Joni:Joni Mitchell(瓊妮.密契爾),加拿大音樂家、作詞者、畫家;本專輯的最後一首歌《For Free》(《免費》)正是翻唱密契爾的同名作品 Joan:Joan Baez(瓊.拜亞),美國鄉村民謠女歌手、作曲家;拉娜二零一九年於加州柏克萊演出時與拜亞表演了一首二重唱 Stevie:史蒂薇.妮克絲(Stevie Nicks),美國歌手、詞曲作家,常被視作搖滾女王,Fleetwood Mac(佛利伍麥克)的前成員;拉娜製作《Lust For Life》(《渴求生活》)時曾與他合作 Court:Courtney Love(寇特妮.洛芙),美國搖滾音樂家、演員,Hole(洞穴樂團)的主唱與作詞者;與拉娜十分相熟

