Merry Christmas...
繰り返す 悲劇城 音も無く 近づく
It happens again and again in the tragic city, it is approaching silently
杯に 目を覚ます モンスターベイビー
Monster baby wakes up in the ceremony
煌めきの 街は今 墓場へと 腐れ場
The glittering street is now turning into a cemetery, the place to rot
作られた 顔で血の狂宴 パーティナイト
Join the reverly of blood on the party night with a mask on
収穫祭や聖誕祭でも無い この街 狂う 承認欲求の舞
It's neither the harvest festival nor Christmas, but the street keeps on dancing the dance of desire for recognition
If cameras begin to roll, everyone will be a hero
“いいね” Give me! Don’t leave me!
Give me 'likes'! Don't leave me!
I'm just feeling lonely...
Shine on the truth
熱く溶かして 揺れる 真紅の華
The bright red flower melts hotly and sway
MUDDY CANDLE was indulging in lust
切り裂かれた日常 裁きを受け入れろ
Everyday life that is being ripped open, be tried
Now, let the day breaks in the ghost town...
ガタガタに ゆがみ出す歯車は壊れて
Beginning rattle and twist, the gear breaks
嘘だけで 塗り固めてる スマイリーズ
Smiles are just secured by lies
善悪の区別さえ 血に染まり見えずに
Even the differences between good and evil are stained with blood and can't be seen
Fearing the rising sun, they hide themselves in it
Carriage falls, even Satan is dead
飛び込み パンプキン ドロドロのスープ
Jump into the thick pumpkin soup
メディア&ママ 上部だけのRIP
Rip off the surface of media and mama
飲み込み 妬み ストレスの亡者に
Swallow your jealousy, and suffer from stress*
Show me the new world
閉ざされた この心に 虚しく
Play a dissonance of the street clamouring meaninglessly
騒ぎ立てる街の 不協和音
For this closed mind
視野の狭い悪霊 天啓を聞き入れろ
Narrow-minded demons, listen to the revelation
End the fantasy of hell
逝くも還るも taking over mind
No matter whether the way to death or the way back, their minds are being taken over
たしかに 見えた 命の和音
The consonance of life is clearly seen
重なる渦は 神の歌
All the difficulties are God's song
歌えば 弾む あの頃の様だね
If they sing, they'll feel excited like that time
Shine on the truth
熱く溶かして 揺れる 真紅の華
The bright red flower melts hotly and sway
MUDDY CANDLE was indulging in lust
切り裂かれた日常 裁きを受け入れろ
Everyday life that is being ripped open, be tried
Now, let the day breaks in the ghost town...
ドロドロの世界に 火を灯せよ
Light a fire up in this muddy world
亡者: The word means the dead and obsess with something (e.g. money). According to the lyric, the meaning here is closer to the latter.