
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

絶唱-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「絶唱」(Marvelous Song)

外面成すは淑やか 内面成すは密やか Be graceful to the outside, be silent to the inside 這い出る意地は嘯く 漠然とした毅然 My pride crawling out roars my vague fortitude 二枚に裂かれた舌先 偽りを舐る…ほら The tip of my tongue that splited into two licks falsehood... See 阿の音も出ぬ間に奏でる 悪阻に吼える癇の蟲 Before making any sound, the worms that howl at morning sickness have already played* 「絶唱」 'The mavelous song' 慎ましさは正に擬き 手を合わせ覗く不届 Modesty is something imitated, it is the discourtesy I peek with my hands folded 声高々に欲を乞え 肥えた声を屠るが如く Pray to be satisfied loudly, like slaughtering a fattened voice 触れる事も出来ぬソレに怯え 「入れ代わり」「立ち代わり」の不様 Be afraid of the thing that you cannot even touch, the disgrace of 'one after another' ぐるりぐるり…弄ばれて 擦り切れて彼方 貴方は不様 Being toyed and frayed there... again and again, you were disgraceful *Note: 癇の蟲: 癇, childhood sickness. It was thought to be caused by a kind of worms, 'the worms of childhood sickness (癇の蟲)', by the Japanese in the past.

