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Text Book-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

「Text Book」(教科書)

I guess you could call it textbook 我猜你可以稱它作教科書 I was lookin' for the father I wanted back 我在尋找着我曾經渴望過的父親 And I thought I found it in Brentwood 我以為自己在布倫特伍德找到了他 It seemed only appropriate you'd easily have my back 只有當你常常支持我這才看似洽當 And then there was the issue of her 然後他就是問題所在 I didn't even like myself, or love the life I had 我並不喜歡我自己,或愛我曾經的生活 And there you were with shining stars 而你在那裏和閃耀的星辰一起 Standin' blue with open arms 張開手脆弱地站着 You touched the detriment most of the friends I knew already had 你觸碰了那個我大部分朋友碰過的有害物 You've got a Thunderbird, my daddy had one, too 你有一輛雷鳥,我爸爸以前也有一輛* Let's rewrite history, I'll do this dance with you 讓我們改寫歷史,我會和你跳這支舞 You know I'm not that girl, you know I'll never be 你知道我不是那個女孩,你知道我永遠不會是 Maybe just the way we're different could set me free 或者我倆的不同可以使我自由 And there we were, screamin' "Black Lives Matter" in the crowd 然後我們在老人河畔,高叫着「黑人的命也是命」* By the Old Man River, and I saw you saw who I am 我知道你知悉了我的本性 God, I wish I was with my father 天啊,我多麼希望我是與我的父親在一起 He could see us in all our splendor 他會見到我們在我倆最美好的時刻 All the things I couldn't want for him 我渴求,噢 I screamed for them, oh-oh-oh 我渴求,啊 I screamed for them, ah-ah 不能從他那裏得到的一切 Could we do this dance again? 我們可以再跳一次這支舞嗎? Do you think if I go blonde, we could get our old love back? 要是我把頭髮染金,你覺得那樣可以挽救我們的愛嗎? I guess this is really the end 我猜這真的要完結了 I never felt jealous before this year, but I'm jealous now 在這年前我未曾感到過妒忌,但現在我很妒忌 People say we're too much alike 別人說我們太像了 But maybe, finally, that'll make it right 但或者最後,那會使一切變得正確 In the end of all these sleepless nights 在這一切不眠夜的盡頭 Other men I met felt right 其他我遇到有感覺的男人 Would smile at you and stick a knife 會對你微笑 In your back 在你背後捅你一刀 Finally, I met you so I'm not wonderin' why 最後,我遇到了你所以我並不感到奇怪 You've got a Thunderbird, my daddy had one, too 你有一輛雷鳥,我爸爸以前也有一輛 Let's rewrite history, I'll do this dance with you 讓我們改寫歷史,我會和你跳這支舞 You know I'm not that girl, you know I'll never be 你知道我不是那個女孩,你知道我永遠不會是 Maybe just the way we're different could set me free 或者我倆的不同可以使我自由 And there we were, screamin' "Black Lives Matter" in the crowd 然後我們在老人河畔,高叫着「黑人的命也是命」 By the Old Man River, and I saw you saw who I am 我知道你知悉了我的本性 God, I wish I was with my father 天啊,我多麼希望我是與我的父親在一起 He could see us in all our splendor 他會見到我們在我倆最美好的時刻 All the things I couldn't want for him 我渴求,噢 I screamed for them, oh-oh-oh 我渴求,啊 I screamed for them, ah-ah 不能從他那裏得到的一切 Old Man River keeps rollin' 老人河會照樣流動 With or without him 不管他在不在 Old Man River keeps rollin' 老人河會照樣流動 Without him, oh, my old man 不管他在不在 Old Man River keeps rollin', oh 老人河會照樣流動,噢 *註解: Thunderbird:福特雷鳥(Ford Thunderbird),一款美國福特汽車的豪華轎跑車,第一代始於1955年。 Old Man River:密西西比河的別稱。

