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Blue Banisters-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

「Blue Banisters」(藍色欄杆)

There's a picture on the wall 牆上有一幅 Of me on a John Deere 我在拖拉機上的照片* Jenny handed me a beer 珍妮遞給我一罐啤酒* Said, "How the hell did you get there?" 問:「你他媽的怎樣到了那裏?」 Oh, Oklahoma 噢,俄克拉荷馬 Mm-mm, mm 嗯嗯 There were flowers that were dry 梳妝台上有一些 Sittin' on the dresser 乾了的花朵 She asked me where they're from 他問我它們從哪裏來 I said, "A place I don't remember" 我說:「一個我不記得的地方」 Oh, Oklahoma (Oh-oh) 噢,俄克拉荷馬 Jenny jumped into the pool 珍妮跳了進泳池裏 She was swimmin' with Nikki Lane 和妮姫・連一起游泳* She said, "Most men don't want a woman 他說:「大部分的男人都不想要一個繼承了遺產的女人, With a legacy, it's of age" 這件事太成熟了。」 She said "You can't be a muse and be happy, too 他說:「你不可能成為一個靈感泉源且又感到快樂 You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry 你不可能以俄羅斯的詩篇把書頁填黑 And be happy" 然後感到快樂」 And that scared me 那嚇怕了我 'Cause I met a man who 因為我認識了一個男人 Said he'd come back every May 他說他會在每個五月回來 Just to help me if I'd paint my banisters blue 只是為了幫助我,如果我要把我的欄杆髹成藍色 Blue banisters, ooh 藍色的欄杆 Said he'd fix my weathervane 他說他會修理我的風向標 Give me children, take away my pain 與我生兒育女,帶走我的傷痛 And paint my banisters blue 把我的欄杆髹成藍色 My banisters blue 髹成藍色 There's a hole that's in my heart 我心裏有一個洞 All my women try and heal 我的女孩們試着治癒我 They're doin' a good job 他們幹得挺好 Convincin' me that it's not real 安慰我說那不非真實 It's heat lightning, oh-oh-oh, oh 只是熱閃而已* 'Cause there's a man that's in my past 因為我的過去裏有個男人 There's a man that's still right here 有個男人仍然在這裏 He's real enough to touch 就像真實一樣 In my darkest nights, he's shinin' 他在我最黑暗的夜裏閃耀 Ooh-ooh-ooh 噢 Jenny was smokin' by the pool 珍妮在池邊抽煙 We were writin' with Nikki Lane 我們和妮姫・連一起寫作 I said I'm scared of the Santa Clarita Fires 我說我很害怕聖克拉利塔的火災 I wish that it would rain 我希望會下雨 I said the power of us three can bring absolutely anything 我說我們仨甚麼也做不了 Except that one thing 除了一件事 The diamonds, the rust, and the rain 鑽石、鐵銹、雨水 The thing that washes away the pain 把痛楚沖走之物 But that's okay, 'cause 不過不要緊,因為 Now when weather turns to May 現在當五月來到了 All my sisters come to paint my banisters green 我的姐妹們都會來把我的欄杆髹成綠色 My blue banisters grey 將我的藍色欄杆變成灰色 Tex and Mex are in the Bay 德斯和麥斯在灣區裏* Chucky's makin' birthday cake 查克正在做生日蛋糕* Jake is runnin' barefeet, there's a baby on the way 積克正在赤足奔跑,一個孩子快要出生了* And now my blue banisters are green and grey, ah-ah 現在我的藍色欄杆變成綠色和灰色了 Summer comes, winter goes 夏日到來,冬日離去 Spring, I skip, God knows 天曉得我省略了春天 Summer comes, winter goes 夏日到來,冬日離去 Spring, I sleep, Heaven knows 神知道我在春天入眠 Every time it turns to May 每當五月來了 All my sisters fly to me 我的姐妹們都會來 To paint, paint 為我髹漆 *註解: John Deere:強鹿公司,在1837年由鐵匠約翰·迪爾(John Deere)創辦,是美國迪爾公司(Deere & Company)生產農業、建築、森林機械設備和柴油引擎等使用的品牌,業務橫跨全球所有農林地。這裏拉娜應該是指強鹿標誌性的綠色拖拉機。 Jenny:拉娜的其中一位密友,曾出現在專輯《鄉村俱樂部上方的化學尾跡(Chemtrails Over The Country Club)》封面及同名歌曲之音樂影片中 Nikki Lane:美國鄉村音樂家,曾與拉娜一起合唱其收錄於《鄉村俱樂部上方的化學尾跡(Chemtrails Over The Country Club)》的歌曲《慢慢地分開(Breaking Up Slowly)》。兩人在合唱之前已是好友,曾經在一隻鄉村音樂專輯合作。 heat lightning:熱閃,夏秋間晴天遠空中出現的閃電,多於夜間見到。 Tex and Mex:曾經出現在拉娜IG的兩隻狗狗 Jake:這裏應該是指傑克・納瓦(Jake Nava),他曾在拉娜很多音樂影片中擔任導演。歌詞可能指他與拉娜的妹妹,和拉娜一起以視覺表現其作品。

