
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

耳鳴り-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


ねぇ、この世界が僕のこと Hey, even if the world ねぇ、愛してくれなくても Hey, doesn't love me あぁ、不思議な話じゃない Ah, this isn't something strange あぁ、僕も大嫌いだからさ Right, because I hate it too 完全脳姦 精神崩壊 飲み干せよマジで飛ぶぞ回し飲む反吐 Complete brainwash, mental breakdown, drink up the vomit everyone shares, it's going to make you high* 勘弁エンカウント 前進妨害 近寄るな馬鹿がうつるほら消え失せろ Stop showing up randomly, you're blocking my way, stay away from me, I'll catch the stupid, now get lost* 目に余る人間風情が I can't stand it, you worthless mankind 綺麗なフリした「嘘も方便」は擦り込まれてきたお国柄 The nicely pretended 'the end justifies the mean' is a deeply-rooted national character* おめでたい脳 言えないNo 底に溜まる鬱憤ワード Stupid brains can't express their anger heaping at the bottom of their heart 自分の声も忘れてしまい気に喰わない顔変えてスマイル They even forgot their own voice, and put away their long face and force a smile それでも尚足りないと弄り歪みを増す背景 Thinking that ain't enough, the background meddles and increases distortion いつまで笑えるでしょうか I wonder until when they can laugh ねぇ、この世界が僕のこと Hey, even though the world ねぇ、愛してくれないけど Hey, doesn't love me あぁ、悲しくなんてないから Ah, I'm not sad あぁ、僕も大嫌いだ Right, I hate it too 手に余る人間風情さ You worthless mankind is beyond control 声すら出せない箱に詰められて良い子を演じてしまうのか Do you want to be locked in a box where you can't even utter a word and play a good kid 愛でたいね 言え本音 吐き出してやれ鬱憤ワード You're so adorable, say what you really think, spit out your anger 雑な違和感に慣れてしまい白い眼を躱すために芝居 You get used to the coarse strangeness and act a scene to escape from all the cold looks 聡明か英断か負のloopが織り成す悪 Is this wise or is this decisive, vicious cycles form evil 綺麗なフリした「嘘も方便」は擦り込まれてきたお国柄 The nicely pretended 'the end justifies the mean' is a deeply-rooted national character おめでたい脳 言えないNo 底に溜まる鬱憤ワード Stupid brains can't express their anger heaping at the bottom of their heart 自分の声も忘れて終い気に喰わない顔変えてスマイル They even forgot their own voice, and put away their long face and force a smile それでも尚足りないと弄り歪みを増す背景 Thinking that ain't enough, the background meddles and increases distortion やってらんねぇ Fuck this *Notes: 脳姦: A sexual deviation appears on adult comics. The brain is used as a sexual organ (which is impossible in reality), or tentacles enterring a person's body via their ears and brainwashing them. The lyric seems to be referring to the latter meaning. エンカウント: Random encounter, a feature commonly used in various role-playing games whereby combat encounters with non-player character (NPC) enemies or other dangers occur sporadically and at random, usually without the enemy being physically detected beforehand.

