
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

手纏ノ端無キガ如シ-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「手纏ノ端無キガ如シ」(Like The Way That A Jade Bangle Has No Endpoints)

彼方から眺める私は嘸かし滑稽でしょう I, gazing from the other side, must be looking rediculous 嘲笑が静けさに沁み入り谺する Scoffs penetrate into silence and echo 何度此処を立とうとも 何度此処へ帰ろうとも Despite how many times you want to be here, or to return to here 其の実、どれだけ重ねど不実 The truth, is always an untruth despite repeating over and over 振出を見失う これは行きか帰りか Losing your starting point, is this a departure or a return 跪き手を合わせ声高々に喘ぐ Kneel, fold your hands, and suffer loudly 祈り 崇め 拝み その果てに何を掴んだ? You pray, you glorify, you worship, and what have you got at last? 泣けど叫べど喰われ残る痛みこそが You will still be devoured even if you weep or cry, the remaining misery 唯一…それが己の唯一 Will be... will be the only thing you have 冷たく嗤う石畳 その額を擦り付けて Your forehead touches upon the sneering stone pavement いついつまでも飽きもせずに朱の口に捻じ込む You never get tired of thrusting it into your vermilion mouth それは正に独り善がり 味見もせぬ餌と同じ That is exactly self-righteousness, the same as the bait you do not even taste 辺り一面は吐瀉の海 気付かず入水 揺蕩う Surrounding by the sea of vomit, you drown yourself without being aware of it and drift 行きも帰りも無い 百度踏めど 振出の壱 You have nowhere to go, you will still be at the starting point even if you have already prayed for a hundred times* 跪き手を合わせ天高々に仰ぐ Kneel, fold your hands, look up to the sky 虚ろな目が游げば 溺死も戯れに If your empty eyes shift, then even drowning is a joke 疾うに蝕まれていた食傷気味の痛み You are crippled by the misery of tedium long time ago 未だ賽は手の内で躍る The dice is still in your hand 空を切るだけの無意と知りつつ Though you know this is just a fruitless unconsciousness 迷い子の手を引いて You lead the lost child 繰り返す 繰り返す Again and again 「手纏ノ端無キガ如シ」 'Like the way that a jade bangle has no endpoints' 故に跪く So you kneel 吐き出した言の葉に命が宿る程 If you wail at the misery that discloses yourself 己を曝け出す痛みに慟哭を謳えるのなら Like a life is going to form in your words 数え歌を置き去り彼方から目を逸らし Leave behind the counting songs and look away from the other side 唾を吐き捨て賽を振る Spit and case the dice 然らば If it be so *Notes: 手纏ノ端無キガ如シ: The saying is from The Rule of a True King (王制) chapter 9 of Chinese philosophical writing collection Xunzi (荀子). The translation here is from Xunzi: The Complete Text translated by Eric L. Hutton with a slight change (from "like the way that a jade 'loop' has no endpoints" to "like the way that a jade 'bangle' has no endpoints"). For the complete translation, please see the link: https://muse.jhu.edu/book/62396 百度踏めど: Probably refers to '御百度を踏む', which means visiting the shrine for a hundred times so to pray

1 則留言:

  1. Thanks for your hard work!
    It really bothered me that there was no accurate translation of this song in existence until I came across you blog.
    I can now truly appreciate one of Kiryu's best songs!!
