
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

バニシュデス-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「バニシュデス」(Vanish Death)

綻びに気付きはしないよな傍若無人その様 Looking so outrageous, I guess you won't notice the flaws ふざけた整合性とやらが犇めき合う現代 Nonsense coherence is crowded in the modern times 何にも面白くないから 'Cause nothing is interesting at all, もっとブっ飛んでよ!!ブっ飛んで!! So break away even more from common sense!! Break away even more!! くだらねえ常識担うなら If I have to carry worthless common sense その全てが理解りかねる I won't understand anything about it あの手この手使いまわす馬鹿共が Fools making every effort 君らどう足掻いて生きたって生存率0%だって No matter how hard you struggle to live, your survival rate is 0 バニシュ!! and デス!! Vanish!! And die!!* アー覚悟がないなら Ah, if you aren't ready 爆音ブチ込んで僕が全部蹴散らすぞ I'll throw you into the roars and rout you あの世の果てまで Till the end of the other world 生きた心地しないよな紛い物ぶら下げても I guess even if you dangle counterfeits, you'll still scared to death ふざけた整合性とやらは必要ないから捨てた I threw away the nonsense coherence 'cause it's unnecessary なんにも変じゃないから 'Cause nothing is strange at all, もっとブっ飛んでよ!!ブっ飛んで!! So break away even more from common sense!! Break away even more!! つまらねえ常識になるなら If everything is turning into boring common sense, あれそれこれってどうでもいいから I can't care less さあ足掻いて生きてやれ 目ん玉ひん剥いちゃって Now, struggle to live, open your eyes wide バニシュ!! and デス!! Vanish!! And die!! もう覚悟決めたから 'Cause you're ready, 爆音ブチ込んで虫けら全部蹴散らすぞ So I'll throw you scums into the roars and rout you till you vanish 跡形もなくあの世の果てまで Till the end of the other world *Note: バニシュデス: Vanish death (not the official translation, unable to find it online), the strongest trick in 'Final Fantasy VI'. After using this trick, the enemy will turn transparent and certainly be killed.

