
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

春-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


この痛みに名前を付けるとしたら何だろうか If I have to name this misery, what will it be 色さえよく見えない ただ間違い無くここに居る Even its colour cannot be seen clearly, it is just right here 声に出す事が出来ない 言の葉なんて以ての外 I cannot voice it out, it cannot be described by words 形さえ良く分からない ただ間違い無く此処に居る Even its shape is not known clearly, it is just right here 頬濡らす其れは無くとも 心は叫び 泣き濡れている Though nothing drenches my cheek, my heart cries and is drenched by tears 吐き散らす其れは無くとも 嗚咽に溺れて 泣き濡れている Though I have nothing to spew, I indulge in my sob and drench myself with tears 花散るようにふとした刹那、情が全て死んでくれたら良いのに… I wish all my feelings can die out of my expectation like flowers scattering... 夢でも幻でもなくこれは皆と変わらぬ私だけの現 This is neither a dream nor an illusion, just my own reality that everyone experiences 嗚呼、本日お日柄も良く「気狂日和」に御座います Ah, today is also a fine day, and 'the weather is inconsistent'8 脳漿に種を蒔き待ちましょう 季節を幾つか越えた頃に Let me plant a seed in my brain 綺麗な園が見れる事でしょう 正に「桃源郷」と呼べる程の After a few seasons, perhaps I will see a beautiful garden like an 'arcadia'* 温もりの中…花が咲き誇り、蝶が舞い踊る「春」 In 'spring', flowers are in full bloom and butterflies are dancing... in warmth 頬濡らす其れが在ったなら 痛みを声にも出来たのでしょう If something drenches my cheek, then perhaps I can voice out my misery 吐き散らす其れが在ったなら 言の葉に全てを綴る事も出来たのでしょう If something spews out, then perhaps I can tell everything 私は今どんな顔でしょうか 上手に笑う事は出来ていますか? What do I look like now? Can I smile naturally? *Note: お日柄も良く: '日柄', luck of the day. Hence, お日柄も良く literally means 'today is also a luck day'. 桃源郷: Literally means 'the Peach Blossom Spring', a fable written by Tao Yuanming in 421 CE about a chance discovery of an ethereal utopia where the people lead an ideal existence in harmony with nature, unaware of the outside world for centuries.

