
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

日輪-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


覗き込んではケタケタ嗤う If I peek in, I will see them giggling ぴーちくぱーちく 雲雀宛ら Chirp, chirp, like skylarks 囀るだけの脳 Brains that will only chatter どの面ぶら下げて減らず口を叩く? Are you going to quibble shamelessly? 嗚呼、ただ喧しい Ah, this is merely clamorous それはそれは高く それはそれは遠く For it is the other side high away, far away 決して手の届かぬ彼方から Where you can never touch 白く焼けた種子を孕むその痛みは The misery that conceives seeds burnt into ashes 在りもせぬ罪悪感 Is the guilt that does not exist ぐちゃぐちゃぐちゃと掻き混ぜて Mix well べちゃべちゃべちゃと掻き混ぜて Mix until thick 形が無い 形が無い 「私」が無い So shapes are lost, shapes are lost, and 'I' am lost 「私以外の誰かが私の中に入り込んでガタガタと吐かす 'Someone besides me penerated into me and talks nonsense 繕いの私は継ぎ目の伱間から内側を掻き混ぜられて Being stitched up, my inside is being stirred up from the gap of seams 在りもしない形に弄ばれて今日も独り俯いている。」 And played by shapes does not existed, I am still drooping alone today.' それはそれは深く ただ限り無く近い That is someone far away, but also very close 決して手を下さぬ…何方様? You can never do it yourselves... Who is that? 黒く残る滓を悼むその痛みは The misery that mourns the black dregs left behind 在りし日の罪悪感 Is the guilt from the past どの面ぶら下げて減らず口を叩く? Are you going to quibble shamelessly? 嗚呼、ただ煩わしい Ah, this is merely annoying 見下し叫ぶ 眩しい悲鳴 Look down and cry, the shriek is blinding 砕けた心を さぁ、召し上がれ Now, enjoy this broken heart あれよあれよと群がる中に In the exclaiming crowd 誰かに良く似た誰かを見た I saw someone who looked like someone else 膨らむ腹の蟲の声に気が狂れそうで I am going mad for the expanding thoughts あやす為と嘯き私を喰らわせた You roared so to amuse me, and fooled me 「私を殺す為」 'So to kill me'* *Note: 私を殺す為: 殺す is pronounced as 'あやす, which means to amuse (sb.). Hence, the lyric can also mean be translated into 'so to amuse me'.

