
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

凜-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


私を穿つ叫び 悼む間も無い Cries pierce through me, I am being cut me up 切切切切 Before there is time for morning 乞えども声はもう谺す孔の中 Even if I beg, my voice has already been echoing inside the hole 無惨に紅紅煌々と 飛沫 闇の雨 The rain in the dark splashes cruelly, brightly 炎炎燃ゆる沸々と 枯れ色纏う 常しなえ 譫妄輪廻 Flare burns hotly, I am dressed in brown, in delirium forever 走馬灯が廻るくるくると 狂狂と The revolving lantern turns round and round madly* 剥がされて歪んで刻んで潰して 消え行く絶景の伱間から嬉々と逼り来るう It is teared off, and he twists me, hashes me, breaks me; then, it looms joyfully from the gap of the disappearing fine scenery 躊躇いに目隠し 二人羽織 Blindfold doubfully and perform helping hand* 契りを謳い没せば無彩色 If I make a vow and die, everything turns achromatic 刻まれた傷を心に深く Wounds are engraved on my heart deeply 歪に蠢いては軋ませる If I wriggle in distortion, I will make 憐れ澱んだ指先 O, the still finger tips creak この手が穢れ薔薇薔薇となれど 地獄の業華で咲け Though my hands are defiled and scatter like roses, I bloom like the flower of hellfire 私を穿つ叫び 悼む間も無い Cries pierce through me, I am being cut me up 切切切切 Before there is time for morning いと口惜しいかな How pitiful 無惨に禍々蒼蒼と 泣き止まぬ 闇の雨 The rain in the dark does not stop crying cruelly, ominously, heavily 炎炎燃ゆる愚睡愚睡と 枯れ色纏う 常しなえ 譫妄輪廻 Flare burns slightly, I am dressed in brown, in delirium forever 走馬灯が廻るくるくると 狂狂と The revolving lantern turns round and round madly 剥がされて歪んで刻んで潰して 揺らめく絶景の伱間から嬉々と逼り来るう It is teared off, and he twists me, hashes me, breaks me; then, it looms joyfully from the gap of the wavering fine scenery 契りを謳い出れど無彩色 Though I made a vow, everything turns achromatic 刻まれた傷み忘れぬ様に If I wriggle in distortion like I will not forget the engraved pain 歪に蠢いては軋ませる I will make it creak 淡く濁った闇溜りへと Towards where the lightly muddled darkness gathers この儘…彼方へ 永遠に凡て Everything is leaving to the other side forever... As they are 微睡に浮遊する 揺ら揺ら…夢遊の様な入水 Float in doze, I drown myself like sleepwalking slowly... 流した涙で溺れた生命に脈を奏でるは「凜」 'Rin' beats her heart for her drowned life with tears 逸らせど… Though I looked away... 黙せど… Though I kept silent... 塞げど… Though I covered my ears... 蔓延る… It spreads... 無惨に 明明白白と Cruelly, clearly *Notes: 凜: From the interview with Junji on rock and read 096, the song is about Rin Yamaoka, a character from 'Dead By Daylight'. 走馬灯が廻る: 走馬灯, revolving lantern, first originated in China and was brought to Japan during the midst of the Edo period as Buddhism found its way throughout the region. It is often related to the flashback phenomenon before death according to Asian superstitions. Hence, the lantern turning round and round can also implies flashbacks come and go before one's (perhaps the lyrics writer) death. 二人羽織: Nininbaori is a Japanese comedic act where two people wear the same large coat, haori, and pretend to be one (hunchbacked) person. One person is the 'face' and the other is the 'arms'. This type of skit is considered a staple of Japanese comedy, traditional and modern, and is commonly used as a part of comedy shows. As the arms are helping the face to eat, it is translated into 'helping hand'.d'.

