
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

閃光-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


閃光に悼み掌を合わせて瞼落とした They mourned in flash, with their hands fold and their eyes closed 何方様も外方を向いて歩めどふらふらり Everyone looks away and moves on, but totteringly 己も見えぬ目ん玉と聞こえぬ談笑を沼田打つベろ You are also a tongue that makes the invisible eyes and inaudible chats writhe 愛想で哀訴を媚びる矮小 Flattering descendants lament with fair words* 此の現世に答えは在るか? Is there an answer in the current life? 手に入れたその答えを抱き独法師の無理心中 I embrace the answer I got and force a double suicide alone 「さようなら」 'Farewell' 此れが己が命を賭した末路か Is this your fate of risking your life 夢の殻に閉じ籠り知らぬが仏と悟れば If I stay in my own dream and understand ignorance is bliss 生きる事の飢え 死する事の渇き 喰らい呑み干す人の宴 Lust for life, desire for death, the banquet of human devours 夢で見た現世の夢 哀れ 知るが煩悩 A dream of the current life I had in my dream, what a pity it is, knowledge is suffering 臆の奥に措いた真は言わぬが花の蕾 The truth that is deep in the heart is better left unsaid 焦がれた想の灰舞う The ashes of burnt memories flutter 閃光に垣間見た其れは汚なくも華やかで在り The thing I catched a glimpse of in the flash is filthy yet gorgeous 握る手に喰い込む爪の痛みに喉鳴らす I drool over the pain of nails digging into the skin when clenching fist 触れぬは憾むと知る 触れるは愁いと知る You regret if you do not touch, you grieve if you do さぁさ、御開帳 Now, let it be revealed 今宵夢を抉じ開けて甘露に頬を染めれば If dream is forced open and your cheek is turned red by sweet dew tonight 酸いも甘いも薄氷の如く 張り子の夢は人の瞞し Even the bitter and the sweet are just like thin ice, the dream of paper mache is people fooling one another 今宵咲き乱れ顕 故に舞い乱れ淫ら Be in bloom bluntly tonight, therefore dance lustfully 臆の奥に措いた真は息潜め脈打つ The truth that is deep in the heart holds it breath and pulses 枯れ木に花咲かせましょう Let the withered tree bloom again 春の風が頬を撫で縺れ惑う私を嗤う Spring wind caresses my cheek, and sneers at me for being puzzled 在りもしない「もし」が絡み付く The unreal 'what if' clings on me 今... Now... 心縛る朱い糸 辿って天を仰げば If you follow the vermilion thread that restrains you heart and look up 私を操る物言わぬ私 夢見る夢は人の瞞し I, who am keeping silence, control myself, a dream within a dream is people fooling one another 今宵花の宴に興じ「私」をかなぐり捨てて I enjoy myself in the banquet of blossom tonight, and cast off 'myself' 臆の奥に咲いた真は産声を張り上げ The truth that bloomed deep in the heart raises its first cry 枯れ木に満開の桜 Cherry blossom are in full bloom on the withered tree *Note: 愛想で哀訴を媚びる矮小: 矮小 means diminutive, probably means people who have a lower status in the family. Hence, it was translated into descendants.

