
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

残穢-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


腫れ臟腑る落日の朱 徒爾なる畢生 The vermilion of sunset is like swollen organs, my whole life is in vain* 捻れ捩れ軋み歪む歪な演目 The crooked show twists and creaks 卯の花を腐し怠惰に飢え糜爛る Make deutzias decay, and crave for idleness and rot 蝸牛の舌に咲く紫陽花 Hortensias bloom on the tongue of snail 腫れ臟腑る落日の朱 徒爾なる畢生 The vermilion of sunset is like swollen organs, my whole life is in vain 腐乱り腐乱り晦冥の澱 腥い様相 The dregs of darkness moulder vulgarly* 鮮明な混濁が手招く様に絡み憑いた The bright turidity twines around me tightly like it is waving its hands* 渦巻く喪失 The feeling of loss swirls* 腫れ臟腑る落日の朱 徒爾なる畢生 The vermilion of sunset is like swollen organs, my whole life is in vain 孵卵り孵卵り孵る蛹 盲目に翅を Hatching again and again gently, pupae spread their wings blindly* 縊鬼の囀に結んで見開く They are tied to and staring at the monster's chatter* 掻いて裂いて嘔吐いて哭いた Scratched, ripped, puked, teared さんざめく喪の黒 Clamorous monochrome* 腫れ臟腑る落日の朱 徒爾なる畢生 The vermilion of sunset is like swollen organs, my whole life is in vain 捻れ捩れ軋み歪む歪な演目 The crooked show twists and creaks 舌から飢えから犇き晒し垂る辞世 I clamour and show my swan-song with my tongue for hunger 剝離した色彩の終演を綴じた憧れ Longing binds the end of the show of colours that fell off* 褪めた夢 Dream faded *Notes: 腫れ臟腑る落日の朱: Pronounced as 'はれわたる(晴れ渡る)', meaning clear/ cloudless (sky). Hence the lyric may also mean 'The cloudless sunset is vermilion[. さんざめく喪の黒: Pronounced as 'モノクロ', meaning monochrome. 剝離した色彩の終演を綴じた憧れ: 終演 is pronounced as 'はじまり (始まり)', meaning start, whilst 憧れ is pronounced as 'しょうけい (憧憬)', which also means longing. Hence, the lyric may also mean 'Longing binds the start of colours that fell off'.

