
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

呪縛愛-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「呪縛愛」(Cursing Love)

依存、執着、異常愛 「正に――其のものでせう?」 Dependency, obstinacy, abnormal love, ‘perhaps that is exactly ――?’* 針と絲で繋ぐ手を 縫 い 合 わ す Sew the holding hands together with needle and thread 夢見心地 深く…甘く…接吻 Kiss deeply... Sweetly... as if in a dream* 絡む指先が離れゆく 温もりも――も…すべて The entangling fingertip is leaving, so are the warmth and ――... everything* 「繋がりは曖昧」 で 「曖昧な口約束」 You made ‘a vague veral promise’ with ‘the relationship is vague’ 其の場凌ぎの返答に溷濁 I lost my senses in the perfunctory reply 柑橘香に混じり此れ見よがしに鼻を突く香が… The scent is mixed with tangerine fragrance, it smells pungent that like it is trying to catch my attention... ――へと手を伸ばし、掴まれど…「脆く溶け爛れタ…?」 Though I reached my hands to ――... ‘―― melted easily...?’* 吊されて ぶらり と ゆらりゆらァ と 廻ル Your body, being hanged, dangles and swings lightly in the air ぬらり 眩り 狂々 どろり 宵 Viscous, light-headed, mad, sticky, at night 揺れ滲む――は狭間で隠恋募 ――, sway and blood oozes, look for another love in the gap* 「此れ、切り…」 と 呟く 然れども断ち切れず I murmur ‘end this...’, but it cannot be cut off 底冷えの敷布へ沈み込んだ You sank to the freezing bedsheet 「お願い、此れ以上…惨めにさせないで」 ‘Please... Let me suffer no more’ 思い出が はらり ほろり と Memories scatter gently 仄暗い部屋の片隅で膝抱え 病み病むは喪 I hug my knees at the corner of the dim room, worrying that I am going to lose you 赫黒く燃ゆ愛憎は 黄昏の逢魔が刻に When night falls, love and hate, burning in the dark-red flame, ギ チ ギ チ と 切リ憑ケル ズ タ ズ タ に Cut your left ―― up into pieces with force* 左――を 酷く熟らし焼け爛れた空へと重ねて And overlaps it with the totally burnt sky 継ぎ接ぎの呼吸で声成らずに喉ヲ 掻 キ 毟 ル I tear open my throat so my broken breath will make me voiceless 呑込んだ錠剤の数だけ…「――の傍に居て…?」 Does the more pills ―― swallow mean... ‘The longer ―― will stay by ―― side...?’* 千切れる此の想い 縺れ絡まる絲 My shattered thoughts, like tangling threads 嫉妬を灯し 心は五月雨て Light up jealousy, my heart rains 滴る紅涙に――は染マラナイ… ―― ignore the dripping red tears...* 姿見に映れば 滑稽で脆弱 If I am reflected in mirror, I look ridiculous and fragile 其れすら知りながら 「嗚呼、其れでも…」 Even though I know that, ‘alas, still...’ 耳許を囁く螺旋の呪縛歌 You whisper the melody of cursing song in my ear 吊されて ぶらり と ゆらりゆらァ と 廻ル Your body, being hanged, dangles and swings lightly in the air ぬらり 眩り 狂々 どろり 宵 Viscous, light-headed, mad, sticky, at night 揺れ滲む――は狭間で隠恋募 ――, sway and blood oozes, look for another love in the gap 仄暗い井戸の底から ―― look down on and ridicule ―― for struggling for breath* 息苦しく藻掻く――を見下ろし――は嘲笑う From the dim bottom of well *Notes: 正に――其のものでせう: ‘正に私其のものでせう’, meaning ‘perhaps that is exactly me’ 甘く: Although it means ‘sweetly’, it is sang as ‘あわく(淡く)’, so it also means lightly 温もりも――も: ‘温もりもあなたも’, meaning ‘so are the warmth and you...’ ――へと手を伸ばし: ‘あなたへと手を伸ばし’, meaning ‘though I reached my hands out to you’. The other ―― in the same line also means you. ――は狭間で隠恋募: ‘あなたは狭間で隠恋募’, meaning ‘you sway and blood oozes, look for another love in the gap’. ‘隠恋募’ is pronounced as ‘かくれんぼ’, which means hide-and-seek. 左――を: ‘左手首を’, meaning left waist 呑込んだ錠剤の数だけ…「――の傍に居て…?」: 呑込んだ錠剤の数だけ…「私の傍に居て…?」’, meaning ‘Does the more pills I swallow mean... “The longer you will stay by my side...?”’ 滴る紅涙に――は染マラナイ: Apart from literally meaning red tears, 紅淚 can also mean bitter tears or women’s tears. ‘あなたは染マラナイ’, literally means ‘you are not affected’. 息苦しく藻掻く――を見下ろし――は嘲笑う: ‘息苦しく藻掻く私を見下ろしあなたは嘲笑う’, meaning ‘You look down and ridicule me for struggling for breath’

