
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

私。-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


愛は時としてその形を見失い Love sometimes loses its shape 私さえ… Even me... 貴方すら… Even you... 温もりは今何処に… Where is the warmth now... 私が愛を育み与え続ければ「終わらない」なんて… If I continue nursing and giving love, ‘It will not end’… 本当に馬鹿みたいだわ… Is really foolish... 貴方に向けて述べた筈の私のこの手は何時からか If I, who should have told you this, realise frantically that my hands 明日を掴む事に必死で気が付けば私が見えてない… Have been seizing tomorrow from do not know when, I can see nothing... 「好きです…好きです…!」と叫んでも私のこの声は何時からか Even if I cry 'I love you... I love you...!', since when has my voice 貴方の隣を擦り抜けて私の明日を遠ざける… Slipped away from your side and estranged from my tomorrow 決して汚い愛では無いけど It is by no means a filthy love 決して綺麗愛とも言えない… But I can by no means say it is a fair love... 私でなくても良いかもしれない It may be fine even if it is not me 貴方でなければ何も良くない… Nothing is fine if that is not you... どうか私を捨てて下さい… Please abandon me... 貴方の嫌いになりたくないから I do not want to be hated by you そうなる前に使い捨てて… So use and discard me before that happens... 枕を涙で濡らす様な眠れぬ夜の孤独感を I wish to turn your song that filled up my loneliness in sleepless nights like I have to wet my pillow with tears 埋めてくれた貴方の唄を唯、私だけのモノにしたくて… Into something mine only... 貴方の現実、思い出や理想の中には何時までも I wish to stay as fair as those times forever あの頃の綺麗なままの私だけを残しておきたくて… In your reality, memories and dreams... 貴方が受け入れてくれないのなら惨めな思いをさせないで… If you are not accepting me, please do not make me miserable 冬の冷たさが秋を閉ざして行く様に私の… Like how the coldness of winter is blocking autumn, my...

