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Arcadia-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)


My body is a map of L.A 我的身體是一幅洛杉磯的地圖 I stand straight like an angel, with a halo 我像個有光環的天使般,畢直地站着 Hangin' out the Hilton Hotel window 把頭探出希爾頓酒店的窗外 Screamin', "Heyo, baby, let's go" 大叫「唏,寶貝,走吧」 My chest, the Sierra Madre 我的胸膛,是馬德雷山脈 My hips, every high and byway 我的臀部,是你的指尖 That you trace with your fingertips like a Toyota 像一輛豐田一樣描摹的所有公路與小道 Run your hands over me like a Land Rover 讓你的手像越野路華一樣輕撫我 In Arcadia, Arcadia 在世外桃園裏 All roads that lead to you as integral to me as arteries 所有通往你的道路對我而言不可或缺 That pump the blood that flows straight to the heart of me 就像動脈一樣泵送流向心臟的血液 America, America 亞美利堅,亞美利堅 I can't sleep at home tonight, send me a Hilton Hotel 我今晚在家裏睡不着,給我送來一間希爾頓酒店 Or a cross on the hill, I'm a lost little girl 或者一個小山丘上的十字架,我是個迷路了的小女孩 Findin' my way to ya 尋找着到你那裏去的路 Arcadia 世外桃園 My body is a map of L.A 我的身體是一幅洛杉磯的地圖 And my heart is like paper, I hate ya 我的心就像一張紙,我討厭你 I'm not from the land of the palms, so I know I can’t stay here 我並非來自棕櫚之國,所以我知道自己不可能留下 I'm not native, but 我不是這裏的人,但 My curves, San Gabriel all day 我的曲線,每天就像聖蓋博 And my lips like the fire licks the bay 而我的唇瓣就像呑捲海灣的火焰 If you think that you know yourself, you can come over 要是你覺得你了解自己,你可以過來 Lay your hands on me like you're a Land Rover 把自己當作一輛越野路華般將手覆上我身 In Arcadia, Arcadia 在世外桃園裏 All roads that lead to you as integral to me as arteries 所有通往你的道路對我而言不可或缺 That pump the blood that flows straight to the heart of me 就像泵送流向心臟的血液的動脈 America, I need a miracle 亞美利堅,我需要一個奇蹟 I can't sleep at home tonight, send me a Hilton Hotel 我今晚在家裏睡不着,給我送來一間希爾頓酒店 Or a cross on the hill, I'm a lost little girl 或者一個小山丘上的十字架,我是個迷路了的小女孩Findin' my way to ya 尋找着到你那裏去的路 Arcadia 世外桃園 They built me up three hundred feet tall just to tear me down 他們把我捧得高高只為把我重重摔下 So I'm leavin' with nothing but laughter, and this town 所以我只帶着笑聲離去,而這小鎮 Arcadia 世外桃園 Findin' my way to ya 我尋找着到你那裏去的路 I'm leavin' them as I was, five foot eight 我就那樣離開他們,一米七 Western bound, plus the hate that they gave 帶着他們給我的憎惡,向西行 By the way, thanks for that, on the way, I'll pray for ya 順便一提,謝了,我會在路上,為你們禱告 But you’ll need a miracle 但你會需要一個奇蹟 America 亞美利堅

