
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Dealer-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)


Please don't try to find me through my dealer 請別試圖透過我的販子找我 He won't pick up his phone 他不會聽電話的 Please don't try my father either 也請別問我爸 He ain't been home for years 他已經很久沒有回家了 I know I'm no spirit seeker 我知我並非想要甚麼慰藉 I can't sleep through the tears 我不能在淚水中入眠 I get lost in the ether 我在乙醚中迷失自我 I check it, I wreck it, I turn it around 我看看它,我把它毀掉,我把它翻轉 I gave you all my money, gave you all my money 我把我的錢都給了你,都給了你 Gave you all my money, gave you all my money 把我的錢都給了你,都給了你 I don't wanna live 我不想活了 I don't wanna give you nothing 我甚麼都不想給你 'Cause you never give me nothing back 因為你從不給回我甚麼 Why can't you be good for something? 為甚麼你甚麼都給不了我? Not one shirt off your back 我不是在說你僅剩的那點錢 Why can't you be good for something? 為甚麼你甚麼都給不了我? Not one shirt off your back 我不是在說你僅剩的那點錢 Please don't try to find me through my dealer 請別試圖透過我的販子找我 He won't pick up his phone 他不會聽電話的 Please don't try my doctor either 也請別問我的醫生 He won't take any calls 他不會做決定的 He's no fucking spirit healer 他他媽的不會療癒心靈 He just can't stop to talk 他只是沒法停下來說話 But he's gone now for the weekend 但他現在因為週末所以不在 I check it, I wreck it, and I'll explain 我看看它,我把它毀掉,我會解釋的 I gave you all my money, gave you all my money 我把我的錢都給了你,都給了你 Gave you all my money, gave you all my money 把我的錢都給了你,都給了你 I don't wanna live 我不想活了 I don't wanna give you nothing 我甚麼都不想給你 'Cause you never give me nothing back 因為你從不給回我甚麼 Why can't you be good for something? 為甚麼你甚麼都給予不了我? Not one shirt off your back 我不是在說你僅剩的那點錢 Why can't you be good for something? 為甚麼你甚麼都給予不了我? Not one shirt off your back 我不是在說你僅剩的那點錢 Please don't try to find me through my dealer (5-5-5, 9-2-7-5, 5-5-5 請別試圖透過我的販子找我(5-5-5, 9-2-7-5, 5-5-5 Now you've got a busy time) 現在你有夠煩了) He won't pick up his phone 他不會聽電話的 (All circuits are busy, goodbye (所有線路現正煩忙,再見 All circuits are busy, you're high) 所有線路現正煩忙,你嗨了) Please don't try my father either 也請別問我爸 (All circuits are busy, goodbye (所有線路現正煩忙,再見 All circuits are busy, you're high) 所有線路現正煩忙,你嗨了) He ain't been home for years 他已經很久沒有回家了

