
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

恐竜賛歌DINOBOY-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「恐竜賛歌DINOBOY」(Song in Praise of Dinosour DINOBOY)

Day.1 神は誘った ヒトは天変地異だと笑った Day 1, God enticed, human laughed that it's a catastrophe 勝手に作った正義感 アンタマジで持ってんの?千里眼 You made the sense of justice with your own will, do you really have clairvoyance? Day.2 神は居なかった そうさ人類史は儚かった Day 2, God is gone, yes, human history was transient 隕石到来カオス論 もっと文明崩壊Can't get enough! The chaos theory of meteorite falls, let our civilisation collapse even more, can't get enough! 目覚めろ今、ジュラ&白亜の力を Awake the power of Jurassic and Cretaceous period now 立ち上がればまだほら間に合う If we rise, then, see, we can still make it Wake me up "dino-alive" Wake me up 'dino-alive' So, bring down… So, bring down… DINOBOY!受け継げる魂 DINOBOY! Inherit the soul DINOBOY!作り出せよ時代 DINOBOY! Create a new era 滅びてく…知ってたって I knew that... they're dying 超大陸這ってたんだ They were crawling all over the supercontinent きっと嘲笑うんでしょう? You're gonna laugh, aren't you? 光も届かぬ空へ 気高き咆哮 吠えろ! Roar nobly to the sky where even light can't reach! 弱肉強食意味もなく 生きるためではなく得た快な楽 Even the law of the jungle is meaningless, the pleasure I got that had nothing to do with staying alive 言葉という鋭い爪 怯え震えるその子はナイフへ The sharp claw is called words, bring the child shaking with fear towards the knife 掘り起こせ武器持たねえ何億年前の夢?yeah Dig up, we've got no weapon, when did I have this dream? Yeah ただ生きたい君と居たいくたばりたくないそんな夢へ Go after the dream just about wanting to live, to be with you, not to bite the dust 羽があれば見え方も変わるだろう If we've got feathers, then I guess even the way we see things will change ヒレがあれば優しくなれたの? If we've got fins, then we could be nice? Wake me up "dino-alive" Wake me up 'dino-alive' DINOBOY!悲劇の歴史は DINOBOY! The history of tragedy is DINOBOY!殺し合いの種族 DINOBOY! The species that kills each other 頭使い戦って Thought then faught アイツ向かい撃ってたんだ And attacked them きっと学びはしないだろう I guess they won't learn 進化の無い馬鹿猿は踏み潰して超えろ! Trample on and surpass those stupid monkeys that didn't evolve! いつか全て失う世界で What's the point of 'leaving something behind' "残す事"意味はあるの? In the world where we will lose everything someday? 生きていたい なんのため What do I wanna live for 生きていたい だれのためだろう I wonder who do I wanna live for DINOBOY!受け継げる魂 DINOBOY! Inherit the soul DINOBOY!作り出せよ時代 DINOBOY! Create a new era 滅びてく…知ってたって I knew that... they're dying 超大陸這ってたんだ They were crawling all over the supercontinent きっと嘲笑うんでしょう? You're gonna laugh, aren't you? 光も届かぬ空へ 気高き咆哮 吠えろ! Roar nobly to the sky where even light can't reach!

