
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

化猫-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


⽣殺与奪の⼈の業 ⼋百万の⾍唾 The karma of people who possess the power of life and death is making me sick 刎ねた⾸の眼に映る爛れた化けの⽪ The festered monster skin reflects in the eyes of the severed head そんなお前の艱苦を渇望…強か咽喉を鳴らす Craving for your suffering... my throat purres loudly 恐れ慄くは哀れや哀れ How pathetic that you are shivering in fear 慌てふためくは滑稽の様 You look so funny when you scream nervously 歎き泣き叫ぶ哀れや哀れ How pathetic when you sigh, you tear and you cry ⽖を研ぎ澄まし酷刑の様 You are in tears like under torture when I sharpen my claws 愛せるのならば… If I can love... 愛されるならば… If I am loved... 物⾔わぬ骸で良い… Be a silent body will do... 勾引された籠の中 触れた温もりが痛い In the cage I am abducted into, the warmth I touched is hurting ⾔葉奪われて… Words are taken away... ⼼壊されて… Heart is broken... 落ちるは奈落… And fall into hell... 「丸い闇」 ‘Total darkness’ 残されたのは悔恨呪怨 私が貪り喰らう Only regrets and curses remain, and I shall devour them ⼝から漏れる懇願が腐臭を撒き散らす Begs escaping from your mouth ooze rotten odour 引き摺り出された成れの果て ⾚⿊い⾛⾺灯 The tragic end being dragged out is flashbacks in dark red そんなお前の艱苦を渇望…強か咽喉を鳴らす Craving for your suffering... my throat purres loudly

