
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Black Bathing Suit-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

「Black Bathing Suit」(黑色泳衣)

Grenadine quarantine, I like you a lot 紅石榴糖漿般的一人生活,我很喜歡 It's LA, "Hey" on Zoom, Target parking lot 這裏是洛杉磯,在視象電話上說聲「唏」,目標百貨的停車場 And if this is the end, I want a boyfriend 要是一切要完結了,我想要個男友 Someone to eat ice cream with and watch television 一個一邊吃雪糕一邊看電視 Or walk home from the mall with 或者一起由商場走回家的人 'Cause what I really meant is when I'm being honest 當我對你誠實時 I'm tired of this shit 這意味着我已經受夠了 'Cause my body is my temple, my heart is one, too 因為我的身體神聖不可侵犯,我的內心亦然 The only thing that still fits me is this black bathing suit 現在仍然合我身的只有這件黑色泳衣 You don't know me any better than they do, baby 寶貝,你沒比他們更了解我 My time is run over, so the only time you'll ever see me 我沒時間了,所以你唯一可以見到我 Is in your dreams in my black bathing suit 是當你在夢鄉之時,而我穿着我的黑色泳衣 Looking at me looking over at you, real cute 'cause 你看着我看着你,我那麼迷人是因為 He said I was bad, let me show you how bad girls do 他說我壞壞的,讓我給你看壞女孩是怎樣的 'Cause no one does it better 因為沒有人比我更壞 He said I was bad, let me show you how bad girls do 他說我壞壞的,讓我給你看壞女孩是怎樣的 'Cause no one does it better 因為沒有人比我更壞 Swisher Sweet, magazines, promise you it's not 斯威舍雪茄,雜誌,我答應你我沒有 'Cause of you that I'm mean, it's my afterthoughts 只對你吝嗇,那是我之後想到 And what I never said, why there's a price on my head 且未曾說過的想法,為甚麼我成了個目標 It's nothin' to do with them, it's my karmic lineage 這與他們無關,這是我之前所種下的業 So I'm not friends with my mother, but I still love my dad 所以我並不親近我的母親,但我仍然很愛我爸 Untraditional lover, can you handle that? 非傳統愛人,你接受得到嗎? I guess I'm complicated, my life's sorta too 我想我是個一言難盡的人,我的生活同樣有點複雜 I wish you could see to my soul through this black bathing suit 我希望你可以看透這件黑色泳衣,見到我的靈魂 You don't know me any better than they do, baby 寶貝,你沒比他們更了解我 'Cause I sing like an angel, my heart's like one, too 因為我的歌聲就像天使,我的內心也是那麼純潔 The only thing that fits is this black bathing suit 合我身的只有這件黑色泳衣 Lookin' at me lookin' over at you, real cute 'cause 你看着我看着那麼你,我那麼迷人是因為 He said I was bad, let me show you how bad girls do 他說我壞壞的,讓我給你看壞女孩是怎樣的 'Cause no one does it better 因為沒有人比我更壞 He said I was bad, let me show you how bad girls do 他說我壞壞的,讓我給你看壞女孩是怎樣的 'Cause no one does it better 因為沒有人比我更壞 They said I was bad, and I'll show them what bad girls do 他們說我壞壞的,所以我會讓他們看壞女孩到底會是怎樣的 My black bathing suit (Oh, let them talk about me) 我的黑色泳衣(喔,隨他們講我吧) They're just yesterday's news (They're fucking broke and we're laughing about them) 那些只是以前的新聞(他們他媽的身無分文而我們正在取笑他們) Mail me when you get the blues (We'll have the last laugh about it) 傷心的時候你可以找我(我們會笑到最後的) By the way, thanks for the shoes 對了,謝謝你的鞋子 Your interest really made stacks, your interest really made stacks 你的關注讓我賺了不少,你的關注讓我賺了不少 Your interest really made stacks out of it 你的關注真的讓我因而賺了不少 Your interest really made stacks out of it for me 你的關注讓我賺了不少 So thanks for that (Your interest really made stacks out of it for me) 所以謝謝(你的關注讓我賺了不少) Your interest really made stacks out of it for me 你的關注真的讓我賺了不少 So thanks for that (Your interest really made stacks out of it for me) 所以謝謝(你的關注真的讓我賺了不少)

