
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

腐海-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Rotten Sea’ (腐海)

今日も今日とて 泥濘む腐乱日和 Today is still miry and rotten 夥多夥多 螺旋遊戯 Thousands and thousands of screwing plays うようよ うじゃうじゃ のた打ち回る They writhe in swarms 吐瀉物塗れノ膿 群レる下衆共 Pus is covered in vomit, inferiors flock 白目剥キ垂れ流シ 泡吹く阿婆擦レ Whores roll their eyes and froth 傷舐め哀 曖昧 蝟集せり The sorrow of comforting each other, ambiguity, flocked together 偽善 欺瞞 詭弁 右へ倣への Blind hypocrisy, deceit, sophistry* 虚ろな眸で 敬礼 こゑごゑは The voices salute with hollow eyes 足掻き這へば 蠕動 進めや進め If they struggle, they wriggle forth* 「蠢き犇めく蛆蟲のやうです」 ‘Like a swarm of maggots squiggling’ 今日も今日とて 蔓延る飢餓の貪欲 Hunger is still spreading today 躊躇ナき蹂躙は 死屍累々ノ Ravage with no hesitation, bodies heap up 縷々ト臓腑垂レ流し 縊首へ頂き Organs are flowing out, hang them 蛹化は口遊み Pupation hums 夜明けの晩 On the night before daybreak 喪ノ黒に拝啓 Greet monochrome 「_____万歳!万歳!」 ‘Glory to _____!’* 斯くも五月蝿き 羽音の 衆生なり Buzzing, how disturbing those creatures are* 腐蝕 寄生 孵卵 右向け左 Rot, parasitise, hatch, turn left 虚ろな眸で 敬礼 こゑごゑは The voices salute with hollow eyes 狂ゥ繰るクル 回天らば 六道輪廻 If torpedoes are fired madly, they transmigrate* 「傷年傷女よ大死を抱け」 ‘Wounded boys and girls, be ready to die’* *Notes: 右へ倣へ: The word means follow suit. 進めや進め: This is probably from the lyrics of Battotai or Japanese Army Branch March (抜刀隊), a Japanese March composed by Charles Leroux in 1912, and is used by the Japanese Army, Police and formerly the Imperial Army of Japan. 喪ノ黒: Pronounced as 'モノクロ', meaning monochrome. 羽音: Pronounced as 'きこえ (聞こえ)', meaning hear. _____万歳!: The underlines are probably refer to '大日本帝国' (Empire of Japan). 回天: Kaiten (回天), the literal translation of the name is 'Turn the Heaven', commonly rendered as 'turn of the Heaven's will', 'the heaven shaker'. It is a manned torpedoe and suicide craft used by the Imperial Japanese Navy in the final stages of World War II. 六道輪廻: ṣaḍ-gatīḥ, Six Realms of Rebirth, a concept in Buddhism. 傷年傷女よ大死を抱け: Homophone of a saying known to be from William S. Clark, 'Boys, be ambitious!' (少年よ、大志を抱け).

