
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

雪、黒業ニツキ-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「雪、黒業ニツキ」(Snow, for Illness)

白く微睡む雪は記憶に溶け The pure dozing snow melts in my memory 塗り潰された過去を呼び醒ます And wakes the hidden past 黒く囁く声は心模様 The filthy murmuring voice is my feelings 胸を突き刺す影と境界線 Shadow that pierces my heart and borderline 舞い散る花は儚げに Falling down, 零れ落ち 頬に消え Flowers scatter in the blink of an eye and disappear on the cheek 独り立ち尽くす寂寞 The loneliness of standing alone ゆらりと揺れる影法師に魅せられ Enchanted by the shadow swaying lightly, 舞い落ちる羽に触れて穢した契りは Our vow, touched and defiled the feathers fluttering down, 永遠の冬に閉ざされ Is frozen in the eternal winter 今も交わした小指が疼く The little finger that entwined is still aching あの時切り裂いた帷は二人を今も隔て The curtain that ripped open at that time is still estranging us from each other 届かない故に灯せない宵の色に染まる It is dyed with the colour of dusk that can alight nothing for it will reach nothing 私を掻き立てた好奇が全てを雪に変えて The curiosity that roused me turns everything into snow 白銀の闇に消ゆ 幾千の羽を奏で And plays thousands of feathers that disappear in the silvery white darkness 雪垂り月陰る華は泡沫 Snow drops from branches and the moon is veiled by clouds, the best time is fleeting 指を切り刻む氷が溶けて消える日迄 Until the day when Ice that hacks fingers melts and disappears 独りきり差し伸ばす手よ O, when will the day いつかまた貴女に届く日が来るのでしょうか? Which my hand reached out alone gets to you come again? 今でも降り頻る粉雪 涙の跡に溶けて Powder snow that is still pouring even now melts on my tearstains 戻れない雪が落ちる様に故に咎は消えず Blames will not disappear, like the fallen snow will never return 二人で指切った言の葉 私を今も責めて The vow we made is still torturing me 黒闇に射す導 幾百の傷を照らして Shining into darkness, guide lights up hundreds of hurts ゆらりと揺れる影法師に魅せられ Enchanted by the shadow swaying lightly, 舞い落ちる羽に触れて穢した契りは Our vow, touched and defiled the feathers fluttering down, 永遠の冬に閉ざされ Is frozen in the eternal winter 今も交わした小指が疼く The little finger that entwined is still aching あの時切り裂いた帷は二人を今も隔て The curtain that ripped open at that time is still estranging us from each other 届かない故に灯せない宵の色に染まる it is dyed with the colour of dusk that will alight nothing for it will reach nothing 私を掻き立てた好奇が全てを雪に変えて The curiosity that roused me turns everything into snow 白銀の闇に消ゆ 幾千の羽空に奏で And plays thousands of feathers that disappear in the silvery white darkness in the sky もう少し…嗚呼 Just a little bit more... Ah もう少し…嗚呼 Just a little bit more... Ah 紅い雪舞う哀咽遥か彼方へ消えゆく… Blood snow flutters, cries disappear to somewhere far away... *Note: 黒業: Literally 'black karma', a Buddhist term meaning 'evil karma', something one do that will lead to the suffering of them. As both the cause and result of the karma are bad, it is a 'black' karma.

