
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

盲-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


極彩に眩む光 The colourful blinding light 瞼を縫い付ける Seels me 羅列の綴りを啜り Sipping the piled papers, 這いずり廻る舌 蠢いた Crawling around, my tongue wriggled 軋む頭蓋が犇めく Creaks clamour in my head 琥珀に嘔吐き戻し My vomit is in amber 臥した肌は灰に埋もれ Skin laid down and gets bury in ashes 針の音の跫が呻き Steps of clock groan 斑に蝕む黒点が 佳景を侵食してゆく Eating the spot, black speckles corrode the beautiful view little by little 翳す掌は 軈て黒い陽に呑まれ 瞼裏を灼いた The shadowing hand, in the end, is swallowed up by the black sun and burned the back of my eyelid 盲目の煉獄に腐ち糜爛れる I rot in the blind hell 紅れ没む喪失に叫声は捻れて My cries twist in the feeling of loss that sinks beneath redness 掻き毟る膿の狂う滲みが故に For the scratching open pus is permeating madly 底無き底 The bottom is bottomless 極彩に眩む光 The colourful blinding light 瞼を縫い止めた seeled me 眼窩の奥を這いずる Crawling around deep in my orbit 尖り嬲る舐り 濡れる舌 The drenched tongue plays and licks its tip 剥離する色彩が褪せて 白い闇に呑まれゆく The ablating colours fade, and get swallowed up by the white darkness little by little 辿る輪郭も 軈て途切れ 面影を花腐す黒雨 Even the path I follow is going to break off in the end, and black rain will rot all the faces 盲目の煉獄に腐ち糜爛れる I rot in the blind hell 紅れ没む喪失に叫声は捩れて My cries writhe in the feeling of loss that sinks beneath redness 明日と散った開花する舌先 The blossoming tip of the tongue scattered with tomorrow 声無き聲 My voice is soundless 継ぎ接いだ瞼 My eyelids are patched 腫瘍れた午後の朝 During the swelled morning in the afternoon 柘榴に裂ける眩み Dazzle rends in pomegranate 手を伸ばす燦然は 仄暗く消ゆ The shine I try to reach to dims 盲目の煉獄に腐ち糜爛れる I rot in the blind hell 暁歌水月に手を振り 遠ざかる影 I wave at the song of promise that is a mere shadow, silhouettes recede 離れた指先を薫る残香 Lingering fragrance scents the parted fingertips 別離の歌を Let the farewell song begin 今猶「其れ」は緩やかに此の眼を蝕み続けて Even now, 'that' is eating these eyes slowly 何時か血膿と混じり抉れ落ちた末期に Someday, when being gouged out with the bloody pus mixed in, 空虚な残響を反響する聲は… What will the voice that resound the void echoes leave... 何を遺し、何処へ向かう Where will it go

