「涙唄」(Song of Tears)
重ね重ね⾊付く浮世の中 漆⿊の拒絶に酔う僕は
In the floating world where colour changes again and again, I engulf in the refusal of pitch black
I chase after your shadow... I am being swallowed up by shadow...
重ね重ね⾊付く浮世の中 漆⿊の拒絶に酔う僕は
In the floating world where colour changes again and again, I engulf in the refusal of pitch black
明⽇を遠ざける様に 逆巻く迷⼦の迷⼦
I am completely lost, like I am trying to avoid the next day coming
ゆらゆら揺らめく薄紅が ⼆⼈を分かつ⾵となり
Light red swaying gently becomes the wind that seperates the two of us
藻掻き⾜掻き⼿にしたモノは 思い出ひとひら…
The thing that I seized anxiously is a piece of memory...
I hear something... I hear something...
It is the gentle ‘Song of Tears’
It pierces me, who lost track of you
‘Don’t leave’
‘Stay with me forever’
「独りに なるのは嫌だ」
‘I don’t want to be alone’
虚しく卯⽉の空に舞う ⾔の葉…蒼天に散る
Dancing in the void sky in April, words... scatter in the blue
ゆらゆら揺らめく⽩銀が 僕を縛る枷となり
Silvery white falling gently becomes the fetter that restricts me*
藻掻き⾜掻き⼿にしたモノは 薄紅の刻
The thing that I seized anxiously is the light red times
I hear something... I hear something...
It is the gentle 'Song of Tears'
It pierces me, who lost track of you
白銀: A metaphor of snow.