
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

If You Lie Down with Me-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

「If You Lie Down with Me」(若你與我一同躺下)

Put your red boots on, baby, giddy up 穿上你的紅靴子,寶貝,來吧 Baby wants a dance, baby gets her way 小寶貝想要跳支舞,他會得到他所想的 Treat me nice, talk to me with that whiskey breath 好好地對待我,滿身酒氣和我說話 Twirl me twice, I'll treat you like a holiday 讓我轉兩圈,我會讓你猶如置身假期 And don't say you're over me 當我倆都知道你仍然喜歡我時 When we both know that you ain't 別說你已經厭倦了我 Don't say you're over me 別說你已經厭倦了我 Babe, it's already too late 寶貝,已經太遲了 Just do what you do best with me 做你最拿手的便足矣 Dance me all around the room 在房間裏與我共舞 Spin me like a ballerina, super high 讓我興奮地像芭蕾舞伶般旋轉 Dance me all around the moon 在月光下與我共舞 Light me up like the Fourth of July 像七月四日那天那個 Once, twice, three times the guy I 我以為自己會遇見一次、兩次、三次的男人般 Ever thought I would meet, so 讓我快樂,所以 Don't say you're over me 當我倆都知道你說謊時 When we both know that you lie 別說你已經厭倦了我 If you lie down, lie next to me 要是你要躺下,躺在我身旁 La-la, la-la-la, la-la, la- lie 躺下吧,躺下吧 If you lie down, lie next to me 要是你要躺下,躺在我身旁 La-la, la-la-la, la-la, la- lie 躺下吧,躺下吧 When you lie down, lie next to me 當你躺下時,躺在我身旁 Get your jacket on, be a gentleman 穿上你的外套,像個紳士般 Get into your truck and pick me up at eight 駕着你的車子,八點時來接我 'Cause we were built for the long haul freight train 因為我們是為長途貨運列車而生 Burnt by fire without trial like a stowaway 像個偷乘者般,還未受審便已被處以火刑 And don't say you're over me 當他們所有人都知道你仍然喜歡我時 When they all know that you ain't 別說你已經厭倦了我 If you lay down, lie next to me 要是你放棄了,躺在我身旁 Dance me all around the room 在房間裏與我共舞 Spin me like a ballerina, super high 讓我興奮地像芭蕾舞伶般旋轉 Dance me all around the moon 在月光下與我共舞六次 Like, six times 'til I'm sick and I cry 直到我感到噁心,然後大喊 Once, twice, three times the guy I 我以為自己會遇見 Ever thought I would meet, so 一次、兩次、三次的男人的名字,所以 Don't say you're over me 當他們所有人都知道你說謊時 When they all know that you're lying 別說你已經厭倦了我 If you lie down, lie next to me 要是你要躺下,躺在我身旁 La-la, la-la-la, la-la, la- lie (Lie, you lie) 躺下吧,躺下吧(你說謊) If you lie down, lie next to me 要是你要躺下,躺在我身旁 La-la, la-la-la, la-la, la- lie (Lie, you lie) 躺下吧,躺下吧(你說謊) When you lie down, lie next to me 當你躺下時,躺在我身旁

