
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Nectar of the Gods-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

「Nectar of the Gods」(瓊漿玉液)

What cruel world is this? 這個世界何其殘酷? Nectar of the Gods 瓊漿玉液 Heroin gold in my veins 海洛英與黃金在我的血管裏 And you in my thoughts 而你在我的心裏 I'm on the freeway, racin' at a million and I just can’t stop 我在高速公路上奔馳,停不下來 I call you up twice, hang up the phone 我打了兩遍給你,掛了電話 Call again, I wanna talk 再打一遍,我想要談談 I get wild on ya, baby 我在你身上變得放蕩,寶貝 I get wild and fuckin' crazy like you never knew 我變得放蕩、像你從未見過般他媽的瘋狂 Knew, knew 瘋狂 I get wild on ya, baby 我在你身上變得放蕩,寶貝 I get wild and fuckin' crazy like the color blue 我變得放蕩、像藍色般他媽的瘋狂 Ooh, ooh 啊 What sweet world is this? 這個世界何其美妙? Honey on the vine 葡萄藤上的蜂蜜 School kid dreams came true 學生時代的夢想成真 Then passed in the night 然後在夜裏消去 I used to dream about people like you, now I don't know why 我以前總是夢見你這般的人,現在我想不透那原因 I used to sing about people like you 我以前總是唱着關於你這般的人的歌 Now I just get high 現在我只是讓自己感到快樂 I get wild on ya, baby 我在你身上變得放蕩,寶貝 I get wild and fuckin' crazy like you never knew 我變得放蕩、像你從未見過般他媽的瘋狂 Knew, knew 瘋狂 I get wild on ya, baby 我在你身上變得放蕩,寶貝 I get wild and fuckin' crazy like the color blue 我變得放蕩、像藍色般他媽的瘋狂 Ooh, ooh 啊 I get wild on ya, baby 我在你身上變得放蕩,寶貝 I get wild and fuckin' crazy like you never knew 我變得放蕩、像你從未見過般他媽的瘋狂 Ooh, ooh 啊 I get wild on ya, baby 我在你身上變得放蕩,寶貝 I get wild and fuckin' crazy like the color blue 我變得放蕩、像藍色般他媽的瘋狂 Ooh, ooh 啊 Californ-I-A 加利福尼亞 Homeland of the Gods 眾神的家 Once I found my way 我曾經找到我的方向 But now I am lost 但我又再次迷失了

