
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

虹色COASTER-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「虹色COASTER」(Rainbow-coloured Coaster)

虹色COASTER 何より信じられる軌跡 Rainbow-coloured coaster, the trace I can believe in more than anything 雲を切って輝く未来へ走り抜けよう Part the clouds and run to the bright future 冷たい雨の中僕は雨傘に隠れ In the cold rain, I hid myself under an umbrella 肩を濡らしては空を恨んでた When my shoulder got wet without noticing the gently smiling voice of the sun came up 顔出す太陽 優しく微笑む声に気付かずに I would resent the sky 何回だってチャンスは回ってくるだろう? I guess chances will come again and again? ほら道は色付いてる See, the road is coloured 虹色COASTER 僕らはもう乗っかってるんだ We've already hopped on the rainbow-coloured coaster 最高速度になって全身で今を感じたい We get to full speed 'cause we wanna feel the moment with our whole body 虹色COASTER 何より信じられる軌跡 Rainbow-coloured coaster, the trace I can believe in more than anything 雲を切って輝く未来へ走り抜けよう Part the clouds and run to the bright future 咲いた花はどんな色どんな香りかも No matter what colour or what scent the bloomed flowers had 自分ではきっと分からないのでしょう I guess you won't know it by yourself 優しさを浴びて初めて歩める僕らも同じだ This is the same for us, who are bathed in kindness and able to make our way for the first time 心配なんてもう要らない側で見てるから You don't have to worry anymore, 'cause I'm watching over beside you ほら空を見上げてみよう Hey, look up at the sky 虹色COASTER 嵐はもうすっ飛んで行った Rainbow-coloured coaster, the storm has already gone 夢が見たいから今は雨も愛したい I wanna reach my dream, so I even wanna love the rain 虹色COASTER 明日へ導いてく軌跡 Rainbow-coloured coaster, the trace that leads me to tomorrow 上りだって下りだって僕は怖くない Even if it's ascending, even if it's dropping, I won't be afraid 誰かの為にと無理に笑うのは Forcing a smile for someone いつか心壊れてしまうから Will make the heart break someday 雨宿りは終わり 偽らなくて良い We're done taking shelter from the rain, you don't have to lie 君だけの花を咲かせよう Let your flower bloom 虹色COASTER 僕らはもう乗っかってるんだ We've already hopped on the rainbow-coloured coaster 最高速度になって全身で今を感じたい We get to full speed 'cause we wanna feel the moment with our whole body 虹色COASTER 何より信じられる軌跡 Rainbow-coloured coaster, the trace I can believe in more than anything 雲を切って輝く未来へさぁ行こう Let's part the clouds and head to the bright future ちっちゃな頃見上げてた あのおっきな架け橋は The big bridge I looked up at when I was little 今ならちょっと触れそうだ Seems a bit reachable now

