
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

縁-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


私から私へと沈む 憶の奥 息は絶え絶え I sink from me into me, the bottom of my memories, gasping for breath 澱みに触れ 踠く様は…そう I touch the backwater, the way I struggle is... Yes 宛ら「さようなら」の如く Just like saying 'farewell' 私から私へと浮かぶ 憶の上澄み ゆらゆら I rise from me to me, the surface of my memories, gently 微睡の中 不香の花が咲く In my doze, the scentless flowers bloom* 宛ら「泡沫」の如く Just like 'bubbles' 声は濡れて滑り落ちては 痞えて飲み込む事も出来ず If my voice is drenched and slides down, I shall feel miserable and cannot hold back 喉を裂いて引き摺り出せたなら 相見える事の無い 寂寞の哀 If I tear my throat and drag that out, it will be the sorrow of loneliness, for we will not meet 痛みに打ち拉がれましょう 「縁」と言う名の手垢に塗れて Shall we cover ourselves with fingerprints called 'destiny', and let misery break us 故に儚くもあり 然れども現を見せ付けてくれた Therefore it is fleeting, yet it shows us the reality 暁は焼く…淡い夢を 白い闇はその手に何の感覚も無い Dawn burns... the faint dream, the white darkness feels nothing in the hand 人は虚空に何を見るか What do people see in the void 私から私へと紡ぐ 憶の最果て 何を望む? I weave from me to me, what am I hoping at the very end of my memories? 群青に舞う 想の灰は…そう Dancing in ultramarina, the ashes of my thoughts are... Yes 宛ら「さようなら」の如く Just like saying 'farewell' 彩を纏う言の葉が劈く色の無い私 Wrapped in colours, words rends me, who is colourless 虚の様に何も無く在れば 相見える事の無い 寂寞の哀 If I can become nothing like a hollow, then I will be the sorrow of loneliness, for we will not meet 痛みに打ち拉がれましょう 「縁」と言う名の手垢に塗れて Shall we cover ourselves with fingerprints called 'destiny', and let misery break us 故に「孤独」さえも踏み潰し己を晒す Therefore I even trample 'loneliness' and expose myself 季を巡り 香を帯びた その軌跡に「百花繚乱」 In the trace that changed seasons and carried fragrance, 'flowers blossom' 死生に灯は揺れている その鼓動は「命の詩」 Flame is swaying between life and death, the pulse is 'the poem of life' 叩き付けた音の無い叫びは嗚咽に溺れ形を成さぬまま Silent cries drown in sob, as without forming any shape 痛みに打ち拉がれましょう 「縁」と言う名の手垢に塗れて Shall we cover ourselves with fingerprints called 'destiny', and let misery break us 「人が触れた夢」は脆くも現と混ざり合う Though 'the dreams people touched' are fragile, they mix with reality 暁は焼き尽くす…黒い闇を 然れども白い闇が覆い尽くす Dawn burns up... the black darkness, yet the white darkness covers up 私は夢見烏 I am a dreaming crow 人は虚空に何を見るか What do people see in the void *Note: 不香の花: It can literally mean a scentless flower or snow, but according to the theme of the single, the meaning may be the latter.

