
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

愛シクモ切ナイ仄甘ク喘グ其ノ声ヲ…-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「愛シクモ切ナイ仄甘ク喘グ其ノ声ヲ…」(I Shall Strangle the Lovable Yet Hurting Voice that Gasps Somewhat Sweetly...)

いくどめかの夜が訪れて Night falls again いくどめかのあしたが暮れ逝く And sun sets again 囁きし愛の言霊 The spirit of love words whispers なれど、やをらぬくもり薄れていきき Yet, the warmth is fading away softly 首ににほい濃く残る痕もいと恋し And I miss the scar on neck that scent lingered very much 何時からか想いすれ違い At some point, our way of thinking grew apart 距離感さえも分からなくて And we do not even understand what distance is 出会ったアノ頃の君とは For the you I met at that time まるで変ってしまった貴女だから Is you who seems to have changed completely 真相をひた隠し戯れて You conceal the truth and toy with me 浮かんでは苛む 凡て灰色へと It torments me when it comes into my mind, everything turns grey こんな日々ならば 僕ダケノ色ニ染メテ… If days are like this, let me dye you with my colour... 其の首をこはく絞めせば すれ違う想い、 If I wring that neck ruthlessly, the different ways of thinking, 離れてゆく気持ちも 二人… And even the fading feelings, can we... 相愛の頃に戻れますか? Return to the days when we were still in love? 此の首をきつく絞めせば仄甘い声で鳴き、 If I wring this neck tightly, you will whine with your slightly sweet voice, 喘ぐ声すらも きっと… Even your gasps shall be 愛しくて堪らない筈 That lovable 深く寝息を立て微睡む 幼顔の姿を横目に I gave the childish-looking figure, breathing deeply in her doze, a sidelong glance 乱雑に散らかる部屋で 不意に視界に入る一つの手帳 In the messy room, a notebook came into sight 手繰り寄せ、引き寄せて…開いた I pulled, brought it close to me... And opened 『コレ』…に書いて遭った-僕ノ知ラナイ君- I found -the you I do not know- written in ‘This’ 心の裏側 赤く腫レ混濁シタ Somewhere deep in my heart inflamed and became turbid 嘘を嘘で塗り重ねて Covered up lies with lies お互いに傷付き傷付け合う事さえ 君も… You even... Pretended you did not notice 気付かぬフリで遣り過ごしていた That we were hurting each other and went through the motions 薬指嵌めた指輪も色褪せてくすみ溝は Even the ring on the fourth finger fades and the inconspicuous gulf 深まり続け 僕も Keeps on growing, and I 飾る写真の様に微笑えずに Cannot smile like how the decorating photo cannot as well 其ノ首ヲこはク絞めセバ すれ違う想い、 If I wring that neck ruthlessly, the different ways of thinking, 離れてゆく気持ちも 二人… And even the fading feelings, can we... 相愛の頃に戻れますか? Return to the days when we were still in love? 此ノ首ヲキツク絞メセバ仄甘い声で If I wring this neck tightly, you will whine and suffer 鳴き歪む表情浮かべ やはら… With your slightly sweet voice, I gently... 両の手が食ひ込む場所へと… Bring my hands to where they shall sink into...

