
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

愛シクモ切ナイ仄甘ク喘グ其ノ声ヲ… −再録−-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「愛シクモ切ナイ仄甘ク喘グ其ノ声ヲ… −再録−」(I Shall Strangle the Lovable Yet Hurting Voice that Gasps Somewhat Sweetly... −Re-recording−)

宵に酔いて寄る辺無く夜半 月は隠れ紫痕を浮かべる In the middle of the night when I have no one to rely on after I got drunk in the evening, the moon hides itself and I think of the purple marks* 擦り切れ、千切れ、焼け落ちた哀歌 The elegy is worn out, torn into pieces, and burnt down 鬱奇しく刺青の蝶が揺らぎ The tattoo butterfly sways gloomily and strangely* 首に匂い濃く残る斑に口吻けて Kiss the dapple on neck that scent lingered* 空々と回る映写機が 夥多と肺腑を抉れば If the film projector rotating emptily cuts me again and again 目眩めく四季彩は色褪せて 見返る微笑に陰りを孕む The dazzling colours of the four seasons fade, shadow grows in the smile looking back 蓮の果托の眼が犇めいた Eyes in the seed pod of lotus jostled 継ぎ接ぎの台詞は 途切れ途切れ歪み The lines put together are broken distortion 明滅に揺蕩い 絡めた舌を引き離す I waver in flicker, then pull apart the entangled tongues 嗚咽の首を絞めながら I indulge in the shadow that whines and gasps with her slightly sweet voice 仄甘い声で鳴き喘ぐ影絵に酔い痴れる While I strangle the sobbing neck 浅はかに自惚れた僕の性 My nature flatters itself shallowly 事の実が腫れ肥大して Truth swells and expands 懊と惱の熟れに不実な傷を吻け Kiss the faithless wound on the fruit of upset* 啜り、蕩け落ちる麻痺れに眩う I feel dizzy in the numbness of sucking and then being enchanted 無垢な面影が白黒に 褪めた罅は触れた答えを The pure face become monochromic, a faded crack appears on the answer I touched 剥がれ落ちた抜殻の残滓 剥き出しの墨黒に疼く喉 The remnant of the empty shell flaked off, my throat aches for the naked coal-black 吐瀉物を飲み下す渇望 The desire of drinking down vomit 継ぎ接ぎの台詞は 塗り潰され軋る The lines put together are painted out and creak 誘蛾灯の誘い The temptation of moth trap 苛まれた伽藍堂 Emptiness was being tormented 滲む君が零れ綴じた Welling up, you fell and stitiched up 反転した投影は灯る二人を映し The upturned projection is turned on, and projects the two 上腿の蝶が青と艶めく The butterfly on her thighs looks bluish 組み敷いた その首筋に My lips crawl 唇を這わせ耳元で囁いた On the back of her neck I held down and I whisper in her ears 暗転 Blackout 「相愛の頃に戻れますか?」 ‘Can we return to the days when we were still in love?’ 嗚咽の首を絞めながら I indulge in the shadow that whines and gasps with her slightly sweet voice 仄甘い声で鳴き喘ぐ影絵に酔い痴れる While I strangle the sobbing neck 浅はかに自惚れた僕の性 My nature flatters itself shallowly 嘔吐く首を緊く絞めて I wring the vomitting neck tightly 尖る舌先を舐り絡めた糸を引いて Lick the pointed tip of her tongue and a string of saliva hangs 両の手は食い込む場所へと And bring my hands to where they shall sink into... Notes: 紫痕: Pronounced as ‘あざ (痣)’, meaning ‘bruises’. 鬱奇しく: Pronounced as ‘うつくしく (美しく)’, a word mixing ‘鬱 (うつ)’ and ‘奇し (くすし)’. 斑: Prnounced as ‘あと (跡/痕)’, meaning ‘scar’. 白黒: Pronounced as ‘モノクロ’.

