
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Beautiful-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)


Let's keep it simple, babe 寶貝,讓我們保持簡單 Don't make it complicated 別讓事情變得複雜 Don't tell me to be glad when I'm sad 當我傷心時別叫我感到高興 I really hate that 我真的很討厭那樣 I try not to be bad 我試着不使壞 He's interested, he's holding me back 他很感興趣,他在扯我後腿 If I could be more like you, I would 要是可以,我會更像你 But I can't and I'm glad about that 但我不能,而我為此感到高興 What if someone had asked Picasso not to be sad? 要是有人叫畢加索別傷心? Never known who he was or the man he'd become 你不知道他是個或者將來會成為個怎樣的人 There would be no blue period 那樣藍色時期便不會出現 Let me run with the wolves, let me do what I do 讓我解放自我、隨心所欲 Let me show you how sadness can turn into happiness 讓我告訴你悲傷可以如何轉化成喜悅 I can turn blue into something 我可以將憂傷轉化成 Beautiful, beautiful 像你一樣的 Beautiful like you 美麗之物 Beautiful, beautiful 像你一樣的 Beautiful like you 美麗之物 Let's keep it simple, babe 寶貝,讓我們保持簡單 We can't afford to change it 我們承受不了改變的後果 Don't turn me into something I'm not 別想要令我成為別人 There's no way to sustain it 無論怎樣這都不會長久 I try not to hold back 我試着不忍耐 It seems either way it makes you mad 看來,反正你都會生氣 So I'll be who I'll be, if you think that that's cool 所以我會活出自我,要是你覺得那樣很好 Then I'll take you back 那麼我會再和你在一起 What if someone had asked Picasso not to be sad? 要是有人叫畢加索別傷心? Never known who he was or the man he'd become 你不知道他是個或者將來會成為個怎樣的人 There would be no blue period 那樣藍色時期便不會出現 Let me run with the wolves, let me do what I do 讓我解放自我,隨心所欲 Let me show you how sadness can turn into happiness 讓我告訴你悲傷可以如何轉化成喜悅 I can turn blue into something 我可以將憂傷轉化成 Beautiful, beautiful 像你一樣的 Beautiful like you 美麗之物 Beautiful, beautiful 像你一樣的 Beautiful like you 美麗之物 Beautiful, beautiful 像你一樣的 Beautiful like you 美麗之物 Beautiful, beautiful 像你一樣的 Beautiful like you 美麗之物

