
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

恋心-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


僕の想いは満たされないから妄想の中で君を描いた I pictured you in my fantasy for my affection is not gratified 夜な夜な独りで君との秘め事を… Pictured alone the secret I do with you every night... それでも僕は満たされないから妄想の中で君を描いた I pictured you in my fantasy for I am still not gratified 何時かは君の全てを奪えたら… If someday I can take your everything... この廻り廻る葛藤をどうすれば越えていけますか? How can I get over this never-ending conflict? 本音は誰にも見せず、言えず…また僕が… I cannot show, or tell my true colours to anyone... I am once again... 「恋心」の為に犠牲となる… Sacrificing myself for 'love'... 僕の気持ちは裏切られ… My feelings are being betrayed... 僕の涙は踏みにじられ… My tears are being trampled underfoot... 君を守りたいだけなのに、今の僕は無力すぎて… I just want to protect you... But for I am now too weak... 君の笑顔も涸れ果てて… Even your smile is totally dried up... 君にたかる不穏の駆除、幸せだけは僕が守ろう… Let me exterminate the threats surround you and keep you in happiness only...

