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Fine China-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

「Fine China」(精緻瓷器)

I wore diamonds for the birth of your baby 我為你孩子的誕生 For the birth of your son 為你兒子的誕生而戴上鑽石 On the same day, my husband-to-be 同一天,我的未婚夫 Packed his things to run 收拾細軟跑了 Was bittersweet to say the least 至少這苦樂參半 One life begins, one comes undone 一個生命開始,一個化為烏有 I've always been a strong woman of faith 我一直都是個信仰堅定的女人 Strong like a tree, but the unlucky one 像大樹般不倒,但是對不幸之事 I'm going down now 我要倒下了 With all of my 與我所有 Fine china and fresh linen 精緻的瓷器和嶄新的亞麻布* All of my dresses with them tags still on them 所有和他們一起穿的連身裙還沒有剪標籤 Fine china and dull silver 精緻的瓷器和暗沈的銀器* My white horses and my ivory almonds 我的白馬和杏仁* I guess they really got the best of us, didn't they? 我猜他們都影響了我們,對吧? They said that love was enough, but it wasn't 他們說有愛便足矣,但並非這樣 The Earth shattered, the sky opened 地坼,天崩 The rain was fire, but we were wooden 雨為火,但我們為木 I wore diamonds for the day of our wedding 我為了我們婚禮的那天 For our day in the sun 為了我們陽光下的大日子穿戴鑽石 On the same day, my mother-to-be said she wouldn't come 同一天,我的未來岳母說他不會來 It's always been that way with me 我的人生一直都是那樣 No time for change, no time for fun 沒有時間改變,沒有時間玩樂 It's always been that way, it seems 看來,一切都是那樣 One love begins, one comes undone 一段愛情展開,一段化為烏有 I'm going down now 我要倒下了 With all of my 與我所有 Fine china and fresh linen 精緻的瓷器和嶄新的亞麻布 All of my dresses with them tags still on them 所有和他們一起穿的連身裙還沒有剪標籤 Fine china and dull silver 精緻的瓷器和暗沈的銀器 My white horses and my ivory almonds 我的白馬和杏仁 I guess they really got the best of us, didn't they? 我猜他們都影響了我們,對吧? They said that love was enough, but it wasn't 他們說有愛便足矣,但並非這樣 The Earth shattered, the sky opened 地坼,天崩 The rain was fire, but we were wooden 雨為火,但我們為木 All of my, all of my fine china 我所有精緻的瓷器 All of my, all of my fine china 我所有精緻的瓷器 All of my, all of my fine china 我所有精緻的瓷器 Blue, ah, blue 憂傷,啊,憂傷 All of my, all of my fine china 我所有精緻的瓷器 All of my, all of my fine china 我所有精緻的瓷器 All of my, all of my fine china 我所有精緻的瓷器 Blue, ah 憂傷 Fine china and fresh linen 精緻的瓷器和嶄新的亞麻布 All of my dresses with them tags still on them 所有和他們一起穿的連身裙還沒有剪標籤 Fine china and dull silver 精緻的瓷器和暗沈的銀器 My white horses and my ivory almonds 我的白馬和杏仁 I guess they really got the best of us, didn't they? 我猜他們都影響了我們,對吧? They said that love was enough, but it wasn't 他們說有愛便足矣,但並非這樣 The Earth shattered, the sky opened 地坼,天崩 The rain was fire, but we were wooden 雨為火,但我們為木 Fine china, fine china, fine china 精緻的瓷器,精緻的瓷器,精緻的瓷器 Fresh linen, fresh linen, fresh linen 嶄新的亞麻布,嶄新的亞麻布,嶄新的亞麻布 *註解: Fine China:亦可以是純海洛英的隱喻 fresh linen:亦可以指弄碎了的藥丸如阿普唑侖、地西泮、忘我等與可卡因混合一起的藥物的隱喻 dull silver:亦可以是攙了雜、看上去有點灰的可卡因的隱喻 My white horses:亦可以是海洛英的隱喻 my ivory almonds:向賓客派發糖衣杏仁是西方國家ーー尤其意大利和希臘ーー的婚禮傳統。杏仁苦中帶甜的味道意指人生中的苦與甘,而外面的糖衣側指對新婚者們生活將會甜比苦多。意大利人會派五顆杏仁,分別象徵健康、財富、快樂、生育、長生。Ivory可能是指杏仁的糖衣是象牙白色ーー大多數糖衣都是粉紅色、粉藍色或白色。象牙白色的糖衣杏仁亦是嗎啡的隱喻。

