
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Heroin-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)


Topanga is hot tonight, the city by the bay 托藩加今晚炎熱得很,這個海灣畔的城市 Has movie stars and liquor stores and soft decay 有電影明星和酒品店和輕柔的腐敗 The rumblin' from distant shores sends me to sleep 離岸遠處的隆隆聲送我入眠 But the facts of life can sometimes make it hard to dream 但無奈的事實有時令人難以進入夢鄉 Life rocked me like Mötley 生活就像克魯小丑一樣衝擊我 Grabbed me by the ribbons in my hair 抓住我綁着頭髮的蝴蝶結 Life rocked me, ultra softly 生活極度溫柔地衝擊我 Like the heavy metal that you wear 就像你戴着的重金屬一樣 I'm flying to the moon again 我再次飛向月球 Dreaming about heroin 做着關於海洛英的夢 How it gave you everything 它給了你一切 And took your life away 然後奪去你的生命 I put you on an aeroplne 我將你帶上一架飛機 Destined for a foreign land 到陌生的國度去 I hoped that you'd come back again 我盼望你會再次回來 And tell me everything's okay 然後告訴我一切安好 Ay, babe, yeah 對,寶貝 Topanga's hot today, Manson's in the air 托藩加今天炎熱得很,邁森家族的問題懸而未決 And all my friends have gone, 'cause they still feel him here 而我的朋友都走了,因為他們仍然感覺到他在這裏 I want to leave, I'll probably stay another year 我想要離去,我或者會再待一年 It's hard to leave when absolutely nothing's clear 當一切都不清不楚時,實在很難一走了之 Life rocked me like Mötley 生活就像克魯小丑一樣衝擊我 Bad beginnin' to my new year 我新一年的一個壞開始 Life rocked me, ultra softly 生活極度溫柔地衝擊我 Like the heavy metal that you hear 就像你聽的重金屬一樣 I'm flying to the moon again 我再次飛向月球 Dreaming about heroin 做着關於海洛英的夢 How it gave you everything 它給了你一切 And took your life away 然後奪去你的生命 I put you on an aeroplne 我將你帶上一架飛機 Destined for a foreign land 到陌生的國度去 I hoped that you'd come back again 我盼望你會再次回來 And tell me everything's okay 然後告訴我一切安好 Babe, babe, yeah 寶貝,寶貝 It's fucking hot, hot! 這個城市的冬天 Winter in the city 真他媽的熱 Something 'bout this weather made these kids go crazy 這個天氣的某事讓這些孩子都瘋了 It's hot! 對二月來說 Even for February 真的很熱 Something 'bout this sun has made these kids get scary 這太陽的某事讓這些孩子感到害怕 Oh, writing in blood on my walls and shit 噢,以血在牆上書寫甚麼的 My God, oh my God 天啊,我的天啊 Jumpin土 off from the walls into the docks and shit 一躍而下成為呆子的一員甚麼的 Ooh, oh-oh-oh, I'd be lyin' if I said I wasn't sick of it 噢,要是我說我沒有感到厭煩,我應該是在說謊 Baby (Baby) 寶貝(寶貝) Come on (Come on) 拜託(拜託) Come on (Come on) 拜託(拜託) I'm flyin' to the moon again 我再次飛向月球 dreamin' about marzipan 做着關於杏仁膏的夢 Taking all my medicine 把我的藥都喝掉 To take my thoughts away 使我意識遠去 I'm getting on that aeroplane 我搭上了那架飛機 Leavin' my old man again 再次離開我的男人 I hope that I come back one day 我希望我有一天回來 To tell you that I really changed 告訴你我真的改變了 Babe, babe 寶貝,寶貝 It's hot, hot! 炎熱得很 Something 'bout the city 這個城市的某事 Don't know what it is, it makes my head get crazy 我不知那是甚麼,它讓我瘋掉 Oh, makes me feel like I can change 噢,讓我覺得自己可以改變 Oh, Oh-oh-oh, all of my evil ways and shit 噢,我所有邪道甚麼的 Oh, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sick of it 噢,要是我說我沒有感到厭煩,我應該是在說謊

