
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

手鞠童女-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「手鞠童女」(Girl with a Temari)

手鞠唄が聞こえる 鈴の音と混ざりながら I can hear Temariuta, it reaches the back of my ear gradually ジワリジワジグリと耳の奥まで with the tinkling of bells 劈く痛み辛み のたうち回る姿を The pain and the hardness is piercing, the shrill voice ケタケタと嘲笑う 金切りの声 Laughs at me, withering 魘され続ける夢狭間 I keep on having nightmares in the crevice of dream ぐるり廻る 二拾四の針 The hand of twenty-four rotates a circle 丑三つ時の 異様な空気に I woke up at two in the morning 目を覚ました In an odd feeling 奇怪な夜 五体は囚われ恐怖は小止みなく In this strange night, my body is being constrained and the fear will not leave me じわり だらり ぬめる膏汗が My sweat drips gradually, limply 蠢く影 雑然とした部屋を滲む蒼 The shadow that wriggles, the paleness that exudes in the messy room ゆらり、ゆらめく Sway, gently 淡い浮遊月に重ねた 透き通るほど白い肌 The clear, fair skin overlaps with 血汁も通わず青白く照らされる顔と The pale face that is being lighted by pale light under the moon 双眸は蝋燭の灯の様に漂う The eyes waver like candle light 目に焼き付く形相 渦巻いた極彩色 I will never forget the way she looks, vibrant colours swirled ひいや ふうや みいや よ いつや むうや One, two, three, four, five, six 錦の手鞠つきて鈴の音 「  」 She plays with a temari made with brocade, and the tinkling of bells ' ' ななや このや とお Seven, nine, ten 「戯びませう」 'Let us play' 振袖から伸びた指先 Fingertips reached out from the Furisode 小さな諸手 鞠をつく指は Tiny hands, nails of the fingers that play with the ball 剥がれた爪 Peeled off 蠢く様 赫赫軋み頭ユラギマス The way she wriggles, loud creaks makes my head spin ぐるり まわり 眩く視界が Turn and turn, I feel dizzy 不動な儘 蒼然とした部屋を滲む紅 Redness exudes in the dim room as I stay still にやり、にやりと She grins 薄紅で引いた唇を 粘らせ嗤笑する童女 The little girl closes her red lips and giggles 這い摺る声に鈴の音は歪み纏綿した The crawling voice and the tinkling of bells twisted and entangled お河童の黒髪はうねりをあげながら Kappa's black hair covers and twines around me, and even blocks my view, 覆い被さり絡み憑き 視界をも遮る As it rolls 気付けば姿は無く 鈴虫の音色に If I take heed, she disappeared in the timbre of bell-ring crickets 安堵を覚え視点を元に戻した其の時…… Feeling relieved, when I turn my head... 目 の 前 に She is right in front of me

