
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Starry Eyed-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

《天真》(Starry Eyed)

Oh, boy, you’re starry eyed 噢,親愛的,你真是天真 Lie back, baby, lie back 放鬆點,寶貝,放鬆點 You’ve got heaven in your eyes 你眼裏映着天堂 I like that, boy, I like that 我喜歡那樣,親愛的,我喜歡那樣 Life doesn’t always work out like you planned it 人生不會總是那麼理想 They say, "Make lemonade out of lemons," 有人說:「把不如意的事變成好事。」 But I tried and I just can’t understand it 我試了可是我真的理解不了 All this tryin' for no good reason 一切嘗試都是毫無意義 Man makes plans, and God laughs 人一計劃, 神就發笑 Why do I even bother to ask? 我為甚麼還費心去要求那麼多? Well, once you and I, 因為,你和我, We were the king and queen of this town 我們曾經是這個小鎮的國王與皇后 It doesn’t matter now, the sun's setting on our love, 一切都不重要了,我們的愛就像日落一樣 Bye, baby 再見了,寶貝 Oh, boy, you’re starry eyed 噢,親愛的,你真是天真 Lie back, baby, lie back 放鬆點,寶貝,放鬆點 You’ve got heaven in your eyes 你眼裏映着天堂 I like that, boy, I like that 我喜歡那樣,親愛的,我喜歡那樣 Life doesn’t always work out like you planned it 人生不會總是那麼理想 They say, "Make lemonade out of lemons," 有人說:「把不如意的事變成好事。」 But I tried and I just can’t understand it 我試了可是我真的理解不了 All this begging for no good reason 一切哀求都是毫無意義 Man makes plans, and God laughs 人一計劃, 神就發笑 Why do I even bother to ask, honey? 親愛的,我為甚麼還費心去要求那麼多? Well, once you and I, 因為,你和我, We were the king and queen of this town 我們曾經是這個小鎮的國王與皇后 It doesn’t matter now, the sun's setting on our love, 一切都不重要了,我們的愛就像日落一樣 Bye bye, baby 再見了,寶貝 Oh, boy, you’re starry eyed 噢,親愛的,你真是天真 Lie back, baby, lie back 放鬆吧,寶貝,放鬆吧 You’ve got heaven in your eyes 你眼裏映着天堂 I like that, boy, I like that 我喜歡那樣,親愛的,我喜歡那樣 It doesn’t matter what they say 不管他們說甚麼 Let’s go do it anyway 讓我們照自己的意思吧 Cause you and I have an undying kind of love 因為我倆的愛至死不渝 You can be mine, I’ll be yours, c'mon baby 你可以是我的,我會是你的,來吧寶貝 Oh, boy, you’re starry eyed 噢,親愛的,你真是天真 Lie back, baby, lie back 放鬆點,寶貝,放鬆點 You’ve got heaven in your eyes 你眼裏映着天堂 I like that, boy, I like that 我喜歡那樣,親愛的,我喜歡那樣 Oh, boy, you’re starry eyed 噢,親愛的,你真是天真 Lie back, baby, lie back 放鬆點,寶貝,放鬆點 You’ve got heaven in your eyes 你眼裏映着天堂 I like that, boy, I like that 我喜歡那樣,親愛的,我喜歡那樣

