
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

熄(遠海准司)-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「熄」(Banked Fire)

蹲り見上げても空はまだ淀みて行く末妨げる Even if I crouch down and look up, the sky is still stagnant, impeding my future 溜息は止め処なく溢れても変わらぬ視界に項垂れる Even if sighs do not end and overflow, I will droop in the unchanging view 遺された命はまだ繋げど瞳に生気は失われ Though the life being left behind can still be connected, its eyes are dull 立ち止まり振り返ると其処には荒れ果て無惨な鉄の跡 If I stop and look back, there is a mark of desolate pitiful iron ゆらゆら揺れるひらひら睡る Sway softly, sleep gently 掌重ねて探す平穏への糸口を I fold my hands, and search for the beginning to peace 荒れて朽ち果てては朽ち落ちては I go wild, and rot again and again 繰り返して闇より出る And come out of the darkness 滴るのは無力さ故 希みもない闇の淵 As powerlessness overflows, it is a hopeless abyss of darkness 朽ち果てては朽ち落ちては I go wild, and rot again and again 繰り返して闇より出る And come out of the darkness 滴るのは無知なる故 我望むは闇熄むと As ignorance overflows, I hope for the end of darkness 生かされた命はまだ繋げど瞳に光は失われ Though the life being spared can still be connected, its eyes has already lost its shine 溜息は止め処なく溢れても変わらぬ世界に項垂れる Even if sighs end not and overflow, I will droop in the unchanging world とおりゃんせ You may pass through 緋の灯りは揺らげど消え逝く命の道照らす Though the scarlet light is wavering, it lights up the way of the fading life とおせんぼ You shall not pass 日の光りは灯せど明は真っ暗…闇の儘 Although the sun is shining, the future is completely dark... like in the darkness 蹲り見上げても空はまだ淀み未来妨げる Even if I crouch and look up, the sky is still stagnant, impeding my future 立ち止まり振り返ると其処には見るも無惨な鉄の痕 If I stop and look back, there are merely marks of pitiful iron 荒れて朽ち果てては朽ち落ちては I go wild, and rot again and again 繰り返して闇より出る And come out of the darkness 滴るのは無力さ故 希みもない闇の淵 As powerlessness overflows, it is a hopeless abyss of darkness 荒れて朽ち果てては朽ち落ちては I go wild, and rot again and again 繰り返して闇より出る And come out of the darkness 滴るのは無知なる故 望むは只あの光り As ignorance overflows, what I am hoping for is just light *Note: 熄: The title is pronounced as "うずみび", thus, it is translated in to "Banked Fire". This is the orginal version of the lyrics (before the amendment by Mitsuki), which was disclosed on the card that is included in the CD. For the translation of the official version, please see here.

