
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

The Next Best American Record-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

「The Next Best American Record」(下一張美國最佳唱片)

My baby used to dance underneath my architecture 我的寶貝以前常常在我的建築下 To their Houses of the Holy, smoking on them cigarettes 抽住煙,隨着《聖人之館》起舞 My baby used to dance underneath my architecture 我的寶貝以前常常在我的建築下起舞 He was cool as heck 他真他媽的酷 He was cool as heck 他真他媽的酷 And we were so obsessed with writing 我們埋頭在創作 The next best American record 下一張美國最佳唱片 That we gave all we had till the time we got to bed 我們竭盡全力至寢息之時 'Cause we knew we could 因為我們知道自己能造到的 We were so obsessed with writing 我們埋頭在創作 The next best American record 下一張美國最佳唱片 'Cause we were just that good 因為我們就是那麼才華洋溢 It was just that good 那張唱片就是那麼美妙動人 Whatever’s on tonight 不論今晚會發生甚麼事 I just wanna party with you 我都只想和你狂歡 Topanga's hot tonight 托藩加今晚炎熱得很 I'm taking off my bathing suit 我要把我的泳衣脫掉 You make me feel like 你讓我感到 There's something that I never knew I wanted 世間上原來有我從未想過自己想要的東西 My baby used to dance underneath my architecture 我的寶貝以前常常在我的建築下起舞 He was '70s in spirit‚ '90s in his frame of mind 他的有着七十年代的精神,九十年代的心境 My baby used to dance underneath my architecture 我的寶貝以前常常在我的建築下起舞 We lost track of space 我們忘卻了空間 We lost track of time 和時間的流逝 And we were so obsessed with writing 我們埋頭在創作 The next best American record 下一張美國最佳唱片 That we gave all we had till the time we got to bed 我們竭盡全力至寢息之時 'Cause we knew we could 因為我們知道自己能造到的 And we were so obsessed with writing 我們埋頭在創作 The next best American record 下一張美國最佳唱片 'Cause we were just that good 因為我們就是那麼才華洋溢 It was just that good 那張唱片就是那麼美妙動人 Whatever’s on tonight 不論今晚會發生甚麼事 I just wanna party with you 我都只想和你狂歡 Topanga's hot tonight 托藩加今晚炎熱得很 I'm taking off my bathing suit 我要把我的泳衣脫掉 You make me feel like 你讓我感到 There's something that I never knew I wanted 世間上原來有我從未想過自己想要的東西 We play the Eagles down in Malibu 我們在馬里布播着老鷹樂隊的歌 And I want it 而那正是我想聽的 It's you 是你 All the roads lead to you 所有道路都會通往你 Everything I want and do 我想要的一切,我做的一切 All the things that I say 我說的所有話 It's true 是真的 All the roads lead to you 所有道路都會通往你 Like the 405 I drive through 就像我經過的405號州際公路 Every night and every day 每天每晩 I see you for who you really are 我知道你真實的那面 Like the thousands of girls love 像萬千少女都熱愛 The way Bill plays guitar 比爾彈結他的樣子 Whatever’s on tonight 不論今晚會發生甚麼事 I just wanna party with you 我都只想和你狂歡 Topanga's hot tonight 托藩加今晚炎熱得很 I'm taking off my bathing suit 我要把我的泳衣脫掉 You make me feel like 你讓我感到 There's something that I never knew I wanted 世間上原來有我從未想過自己想要的東西 We play the Eagles down in Malibu 我們在馬里布播着老鷹樂隊的歌 And I want it 而那正是我想聽的 There's something that I never knew I wanted 世間上原來有我從未想過自己想要的東西

